
Are submissive women weak?

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In your eyes? Do you think that they are or does it depend on the woman? I've heard it said that submissive women are the ones w/ all the power but I know that this is arguable. What do you think?




  1. Submissive in what way?  

    In some cultures a woman may appear submissive becuase of her role in public, but in the house it's a different story.

  2. Not at all.  In fact in Western culture it takes tremendous strength.  She will face criticism from her peers, be called unfulfilled, be treated as if they are somehow more liberated than her and therefore better and either frowned upon, pitied or both.  It's mind boggling to think of just how much courage it will take for her to stay true to her heart while being constantly bullied by those who wish to "liberate" her.

  3. When is the woman supposed to be submissive?  To an abusive partner, a verklemmter Boss, to bi-polar bears...?!?!

    Do not underestimate the meek.  Or submissive.  Sometimes people, and not just women, know when to take charge.  Some just have a higher tolerance than others when it comes to trivial differences.

    No, I do not think submissive women are weak.  Nor do I think the same of men.

  4. Well, I'm a submissive man; but I'll kick your *** if you call me weak!

  5. only if they are total walkovers and dependant on others for their happiness.

  6. In my own opinion, recognising and admitting your emotional / sexual needs and setting out to fulfill them is always a powerful thing, especially if you are doing so in the face of public approbation for choosing an unusual lifestyle.  I have to say, though, that some submissive people I know, can become very dependent on their dominant partners, so much that I worry how they would cope on their own if they had to.  So I think, recognising what you want is good, but pursuing it to the exclusion of all else can leave you in a vulnerable position, and that's something I would choose to avoid :-)

  7. Not exactly.. Look, nature intended all women to be submissive. After that, you fail to explain what 'weak' or 'power' means so nothing is arguable.

  8. I have never seen submissive women as weak. There aren't enough submissive women  around for any American man to be complaining about them.

  9. Nope. Being submissive doesn't take away your freedom of thought or ability to look after yourself, it just means that you prefer to relinquish control to your partner.

    This probably applies more to BDSM relationships than traditional ones, but the submissive usually sets the limits and boundaries, and is always encouraged to be honest about his/her needs.

    Making a free choice to submit doesn't make anyone weak or a doormat - it makes them submissive. That's all. :)

  10. Weakness is what makes someone a doormat, or an abuser. There's nothing of real D/s about such people.

    Real doms and subs are anything -but- weak. It takes a kind of love, trust, and knowledge of both oneself and one's partner that selfish, weak, and irresponsible people are not capable of or even interested in.

    As for who holds the power?  In a way it's both, which is why the relationship is called an "exchange."

  11. There is great strength in submission . To give up your control is to be in control, it's a choice made solely by the one would wishes to submit.

  12. No. I personally don't think it's right to call others weak, as everyone has their weak and strong points.  A submissive women can be DOMINANT when they want to or when the right time just makes the dominant side come out....That's why some of  the nicest people have the worst tempers, lol.

    People aren't one-dimensional.

  13. Submissive women CAN be weak, but generalizing that ALL submissive women are weak is wrong. Sometimes submissive women hold more power in the relationship just by the fact that they can't be ignored easily ! :-D

  14. Being submissive, is a personality trait.  Some women are and some women are not.  The harm comes in assuming and requiring that all women be submissive, if that is not their nature

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