
Are the Palestinians Greek ?

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I read somewhere here that they are of Phillistine descent, and in ancient times the Phillistines were Greek from the island of Crete, but the Palestinians today dont really look Greek, so i am confused what are they ?




  1. No, Palestinians do not hold Greek nationality. Therefore they are not Greek. They are in fact just Palestinians, who have their land occupied and wait for the day they have their own state also. Peace!

  2. No.  They are simply Arabs.  They're using all sorts of propaganda and tactics to try to sway public opinion in their favor in effort to re-conquer Israel.  That's why you are reading they claim to be Ancient Greek, it's just another Philistine/Palestine wordplay tactic.  They'll claim to be anything if it will help them in their fight against Israel.

    "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." -- PLO Executive Committee member Zuhayr Muhsin, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw."

    Extremists want to take back all previously inhabited land not just Israel and then go on to global dominion. Remember Paris riots?  I saw a muslim youth shout to the police "get out of my occupied France." Once land is EVER occupied by a Muslim, the extremists consider it to forever be theirs even if it was rightfully purchased.

    Islamic extremist claiming Andalusia (Spain, Portugal and France) and Rome ---->

    Israel doesn't just have a "palestinian" issue.  There is a current global Arab and Islamic extremist issue.  Israel has just been fighting them off for a very long time.

  3. Maybe some  of them are genetically related to greeks. But they feel Arabs. They are considered by greeks good friends though.

    [Palestinians never claimed an irrelevant to them country as theirs. The jews did, because their European friends were so racist (more than the n***s) that they didn't want them in Europe. So they sent them there, to get rid of them, and told them that their enemies were the Palenistians and not those who expatriated them.

    The jews are also considered by most greeks good friends. So I do not blame them for anything, except for continuing along with the Palestinians a catastrophic war. A solution could be found, if both sides wanted to.]

  4. the biblical Philistines immigrated from Mediterranean islands, may be Crete and other islands - so most researchers suggest.  they disappeared during the time of the first kings of Israel, Solomon and there after, probably merged into Yehuda and Israel.

    the Arab palestinians are not all of the same origin. some of them, mainly in the southern part, came from Egypt with the Arabic conquest. some, mainly in the north of Israel, are descendants of Jews that were forced to islamize at that time, around the year 600. (it is interesting, many arab villages in Israel still have names of Jewish villages and towns from the time before the Arabic conquest) . some Bedouins supposedly came from Arabia and then Kurds and others came when Salah a Din conquered Israel from the crusaders. some came even later, from Syria region and from Egypt, when the Zionist settlements brought an economy development which made work place for many Arabs.

  5. maybe some of them have Greek blood in them, but they are mostly Arab nowadays.

  6. I asked my Grandfather and he told me that them people calling themselves Palestinians were there a long ago, and there wasn't a "country" with real borders or anything so the Jews are just making this up in their minds because they want to play smart guys and all.

    I think the Israelians all they want is our money.

    I saw them how they speak of some of our past Presidents and I got real angry.

    That's mighty ungreatful of them, that's for sure.

    I don't think I like them no more.

  7. you'd think, huh?

    actually, west bank "palestinians" are jordanian (and had jordanian citizenship until jordan stripped them of their rights) and gaza "palestinians" are egyptian.

  8. Human remains found at El-'Ubeidiya, 2 miles (3 km) south of Lake Tiberias date back as early as 500,000 years ago.The discovery of the Palestine Man in the Zuttiyeh Cave in Wadi Al-Amud near Safad in 1925 provided some clues to human development in the area.

    In the caves of Shuqba in Ramallah and Wadi Khareitun in Bethlehem, stone, wood and animal bone tools were found and attributed to the Natufian culture (c. 12800–10300 BCE). Other remains from this era have been found at Tel Abu Hureura, Ein Mallaha, Beidha and Jericho.

    Between 10000 and 5000 BCE, agricultural communities were established. Evidence of such settlements were found at Tell es-Sultan, Jericho and include mud-brick rounded and square dwellings, pottery shards, and fragments of woven fabrics.

  9. Trust me when i tell you palestinians are ARABS

    Wow! Majority of the people responding to this question are completely stupid and ignorant and shouldn't give answers unless they are INTELLIGENT ones.

  10. No that was the Philistines.  They were wiped out long ago.

    Has nothing to do with Palestine which is a Muslim and Semitic, and never existed.

    Sunset I think you have reach a new low.

    Are you a liar or just uninformed?

  11. No Palestinians are Arabs

  12. No thats the Zionist lie! Palestinians are ancestors of the Canaan's (Pre-Isrealite) , Isrealite's who conformed, and Philistines and more recently post-Islamic Arabs (but not all). they are not Greek. Look at the way the Bible describes the Israelites and their ways of life and it wont be to far off from the Palestinians today who do the same things. Palestinians became Christians after the coming of Chrsit and then most became Muslim after the Islamic conquest. thats why today most Palestinians are either Muslim or Christian BUT the same exact people. same goes for Lebanon except they are descendants of Phoneticians.

  13. The Palestinians were there hundreds of years before the jews.

    So the jews have tried to do "invent" many ridiculous stories about Romans and Philistines and a lot of other c**p.

    Go read some Greek books and you'll find Palestine being mentioned more than 100 times.

    Was this ....another Palestine? In Australia maybe? In Sweden maybe?

    No in MIDDLE EAST.

    Do you know where the jews were at that time?

    Nowhere, because that was more than 400 years before anything was mentioned about them being in Egypt.

    So why the Greeks called that land Palestine?

    Is this the reason why the jews kill so many Palestinians of them each and every week? Especially little children and their pregnant mommies too!

    Do they feel jealous of being always second when it comes to Palestine and its people's origin?

    Think about it for a sec.

    bye bye

  14. According to Herodotus the descendants of early Cretans and Phoenicians had created a port in Middle East called "Old Homeland" or "Palea Estiani" or Palestini.

    That was many centuries before the appearance of the Jews in Egypt of course.

    So it is safe to tell that yes, some of Palestinian people's  genes have Greece in them.

    You can always borrow Philosopher's Historian's Herodotus book at any major public library, wherever you live.

    This is considered the First complete Book ever discovered on our Planet.

    That's one of the reasons why many Palestinians are Greek Orthodox Christians in faith and have not converted to Islam.

    That's why it is not fair to name all of the Palestinians as "Muslims", since many of them simply ...aren't.

    Hope this helped a bit.


  15. greeks have nothing to do with middle eastern. of course some people marry other poeple from different countries just like  some whites marry blacks etc its not just greeks .

  16. some palestinians did immigrate from greece to palestine but that doesnt mean that all are greek. for example some africans moved to US and that doensnt mean all americans are from african decent or arab, or iranian or chinese,and so one... so its called immigration every country has immigrants from hundreds of years ago doesnt mean that its what their decent is. its called diversity in cultre. Even whites are immigrants from italy, france, romania, rusia....many americans are ignorant with facts that involve countries other than their own.

  17. Hello American Beauty,

    The Muslims who live in this territory and call themselves "Palestinians" only name themselves that way because they actually lack solid identity.  "Palestine" was never a country but rather a territory always ruled by other empires.  The Greeks invaded what is known today as Gaza and also Ashkelon (the city where I live,) Ashdod and Gat (today called Kiriat Gat.)  Most Muslims living here are of Jordanian, Syrian, Egyptian or Lebanese descendants.  They have nothing to do with the Philistines.

    Contrary to what was written above, there was never a time in Israel where there were no Jewish people living there - not even when Jewish people were living in Egypt during the days of the Pharaohs.  There were still Jewish people living in Israel (Judah/Judea.) Anyone who chooses to believe the contrary is either misinformed or a liar.

    The Greek Orthodox living in Israel today do not refer to themselves as "Palestinians", therefore I cannot see why Muslims would, unless they perceive themselves as invaders, which is actually quite appropriate for them since they refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  18. No they are not. Maybe they are related to the Ancient Greeks, but then, all of the Mediterrenean people may be related to the Greeks because in Ancient Times the Greeks colonized many of the Mediterrenean shores.

    Please take a look at these maps and you will understand what I mean.

  19. hi baby if u like meet good one i am here

  20. Israelis pretend being stupid and they  are claiming that there was no Palestine

    Philistine, is the name of the land as the Palestinians used to call it for thousands of years.

    Palestine is no more than a name invented by the Brits. The correct name still in use in the Middle East is Philistine

    Pals were originally Greek and they lived on the land before the Hebrews (used to be called Habiru -  a nomadic people mentioned in Assyro-Babylonian literature: possibly the early Hebrews.)

    Pals mixed with the Arabs, the Turks, The Persians and the Jews.

    The majority converted to Islam, the rest  kept their original religions

  21. no... they arabs who live in israel (or Palestine befor israel, but Palestine is only a land, israel is a country..) these arabs come from other arabs lands 500 years ago...

  22. no they are arab, muslims.

    well, something like that, but definitly not Greek.

    trust me, do you want them to try to take your country too? you don't want them to be Greek

  23. People confused with arabs with muslim. anything hering muslim then they think it is arab. palestine or filistien pronounce it according to your taste. the ppl who lived in the area filistien . before the advent of yehudis.when moses went to philistien it was not nomans land. any  way present palestinians converts from yehudi to islam and   christians arabs or any nations who were living there for centuries.

  24. Oh, c'mon girl, we've been through that at least one hundred times before.

    YES, the Palestinians have Greek blood running inside their veins, ok?

    Because some jew Yahoo! officials come here saying the opposite without any proof or anything that dont mean they're not!

    Read some of the above user's stuff, because they are right.

    It's written in black and white, and that's a fact!

    End of story!

    What better proof than History itself you would  need for that?

    I ain't no jew or Muslim or Arab. I am a Christian faith guy that don't love seeing little Palestinian kid blood go to waste.

    That's all.

  25. Phlishtim not  Palestinans

    Anyway I hope you can prove  they are, they can start a new war claiming Greece is Arab land too.

  26. Palestinians is Arab..

    Greece has nothing to do with Palestine

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