
Are the liberal bloggers happy now?

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They promoted their hideous rumors about Palin actually covering for her daughter, and forced them to announce the daughters actual pregnancy. Is this what liberals today are all about - making life even more difficult on strong families?




  1. No, could you pass the rolls, I'll take seconds.

  2. that only thing wasn't forced was Palin's daughter legs opening up!!!!!  

  3. He they wanted to force out of the closet many g**s also for political reasons. You what would be really perfect if the father was black, then they can insult black people also.  

  4. Are you kidding? NOTHING makes them happy...They are angry, miserable creatures, and they need to attack and blame others for that misery and anger because they can't accept any responsibility themselves

    They'll just come up with some other hateful, disgusting garbage now...Give them about 3 seconds and see for yourself.

  5. Lies, lies and lies.

    I hate lies.

    Lies about Obama.  Lies about McCain.  But some people seem to thrive upon them.  Shame on them, and all who spread them.

  6. Oh course they're not happy.  People whose minds live in the gutter and wallow in irrelevant minutiae like pigs in slop will never be happy.

  7. After the countless lies on right wing blogs about Obama, his wife, his running mate, even his dead mother you have the audacity to question anything coming from a left wing blog?

    Daily Kos didn't create the issue of Palin's last pregnancy.  It was the newspapers in Alaska, months ago.

  8. I don't think so.  How can you force someone to come out with news like that?  Republicans are famous for keeping Americans in the dark.

  9. The only thing that will be talked about his her daughter and what it says about her mom.

    What really should be the story is how her mom will help and support her children.  She's keeping the baby and going to have to deal with growing up very quick.

    Is it possible to have a candidate more in tune with the issues of our society than Sarah Palin.

  10. gettin' there...Paris Hilton is probably laughing herself into a coma

  11. No one is happy.

    But keeping the unmarried vice presidents daughters pregnancy a secret is wishful thinking.  Palin had to know this was going to come out, she isn't naive.  Palin could have even refused the VP slot to save her daughter the infamy, but apparently being VP was too big a deal to pass up.

    She showed the same consideration for her son, by traveling for ten hours after her water broke just to give birth in Alaska, that's a very dangerous thing to do with a preemie and a woman with four previous deliveries, in fact its the most self centered thing I've ever heard of.

    If this is your idea of a strong family: a forty-three year old who get pregnant even knowing the odds of having a DS child, who then endangers that infant by traveling for hours in labor, then has a daughter who gets pregnant out of wedlock as a young teen, then I'm glad I had a liberal family, no out of wedlock pregnancies, worked their way through college,  at all times concerned about my children first and my ambition second.

    Yeah, I'll take my way.

    This isn't made up, I saw her on TV asking for privacy for this families difficult time.

    No smear, no lies, Palins 17 year old daughter is pregnant.

  12. Liberals hate Palin because she's DECENT and they love their hideous Hillary.

  13. Forcing the truth is not a vice.  Would you be happier with more cover-ups and lies to the American people?

  14. There is lava pouring from their hot little fingers!

  15. People need to stop this stuff about Palin's daughter.She's not running for the vp.

    Yes she is pregnant,So what?

    Things like the Economy,Education,Energy & Environment,

    Foreign Policy,Healthcare,Homeland Security,Immigration,

    Iraq,Poverty,Seniors & Social Security,

    and Technology, is what I'm worry about.

    By the way does Sarah Palin's oldest have Terrorist Connections like Obama has?

    I'm very happy that she do not have a abortion.

  16. This is not a strong family. They lack family values.

    Mrs. Palin needs to do the RIGHT thing and retire from the race to "spend more time with my family during these difficult personal times".

  17. questions like these bring out the maturity don't they ? It is sad to have to make up lies and rumors of someone you have nothing on , then degrade their values as if they were the ones who did it.When they got ridiculed into the ground for making fun of and suggesting the abortion of a downs baby they had to go do the next best thing attack the mother , then ok that is not working now go after the family . What a waste of a mind , no common sense and no logic.

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