
Are there any cheap vegetarian foods?

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I'm talking about instant meals and such. Are there any vegetarian ramens? I'm tired of spending so much money on expensive frozen meals.




  1. that's a total oxymoron.

  2. buy a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter and jelly or a pack of cheese or nutella spread and make yourself a nice pb and j sandwich, nutella chocolate sandwich or grilled cheese sandwich

  3. white rice is cheap, mix 1 cup with 1/2 cup milk and 1 Tbsp honey/suger, cheap good breakfast.

    you could always but FRESH vegtables and cook.

    if you are lucky and live near a good store (like trader joe's, awesome food for reasonable price!) they look for like instant rice packages, they microwave in about 90 seconds come in a few different flavors of awesome, and about $2.

    the trader joe's i go to has vegtable packs for stir fry, a good frozen stir fry mix, frozen curried rice with vegtables, veget'n raviolli and tortolinni, and verious little foods of goodness.

    just look around, be willing to cook, and eat left overs!

  4. Most prepackaged foods are not cheap(vegetarian or not). You are paying for the packaging, preparation, etc, therefore are going to pay more than if you just cooked the same thing yourself.

    The would suggest making your own frozen meals. It is easy, and cheaper than buying them. You can make simple dinners and freeze them for use later. I sometimes make dinners and vacuum seal them to be used on a day where I am in a hurry or don't feel like looking. I found that this saved me a lot of money, and wasn't as time consuming as I thought it would be(I just made the dinners when I had time).

    Another way to save a little bit of money is to but the frozen food when it is on sale. 50 cents off is better than nothing, so when you get the chance just buy a bulk of sale items.

  5. pre-packaged foods are never cheap. Just learn how to cook vegetables - all you have to do is steam them. Cook up some regular noodles (boiling water = not rocket science) and add veggies. Ta-dah! Cheap vegetarian meal!

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