
Are there any "fake" vegetarians?

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^^Are there any "fake" vegetarians. When I say 'fake' I mean like vegetarians who eat Shrimp, tuna, ect. Who say they're vegetarians but like not completely. I know a bunch of "vegetarians" who eat seafood but not meat. Anyways, any of you claim your vegetarian but really arent? If so tell us, no one will find out. Yes, I'm also one of those "vegetarians" who eat shrimp, but shrimp only.




  1. well technically they're called pescaterians. but most ppl consider pescaterians a kind of vegetarian anyway.  

  2. Sorry, i'm a true blue veg@n!

  3. ahhhh i'm like you but i eat squid instead haha.

    and yeah you're still considered a vegetarian if you're a pescetarian, a semi-vegan.

  4. many of those that i worked with are like that.  they say they keep a vegetarian diet, but eat all sorts of animals.  they seem to think only four-footed animals count.

  5. I met one today when I was drinking a coffee after work at a coffee shop.  New to the area where I live - they were from Oregon - and got to talking about food.

    They were pretty adamant about being called a 'vegetarian' (actually they originally called themselves a 'vegan').  They were actually shocked when they found out that I just ate veggies, grain, beans, and fruits.  They ate fish and chicken.....

    I just shrugged my shoulders, told them that I was rather anal about certain things and they would have to overlook such within me - and offered to help them if they ever had problems finding anything or needed help with anything with diet or finding things that they needed - that they can find me at the coffee shop pretty much 5 days a week after 3:30 in the afternoon.

    Many times you just have to ignore, grin, and hope that they actually might decide to check out what you have just said.  :)

  6. Those folks who only eat "oceanic creatures" are generally referred to as "pescetarians".  I too am one of those.  I figure if I can kill it with my bare hands, then I can eat it!  :)    Here's a Wikipedia link w/ more info:

  7. This board is full of them. You are not a vegetarian.

  8. A vegetarian does not eat any type of meat...period.  If someone eats meat they are in no way a vegetarian.

    A person who is almost a vegetarian, but still eats meat, is a pescetarian.  They don't eat any animal products except for fish.  They are still not vegetarians though.

    I am not a fake vegetarian.  I am vegan...

    EDIT:  Semi Vegan?  ROTFL!!!  Someone said semi such thing...That is ridiculous.

  9. IMO if you eat shrimp, you can't claim to be Vegetarian .They have a name for the type of vegetarian that eats seafood (Pescetarian), so in a way I guess you could call yourself one.

  10. Although you're question is kinda strange, I used to be a 'piesces y pollo' vegetarian (no clue on spelling) who would eat anything but mammalian meat. Once I got out of high school I immediately stopped eating meat though, and the reason why was because when I went to my post senior camps, they didn't have meals to accommodate such unusual dietary needs. I've stayed vegetarian and only had a few errors (who knew that Caesar salad dressing had anchovies in it?) since. Do you really enjoy shrimp that much, they always made me think of cockroaches.  

  11. There are tons of them just read through a few days questions on YA V/V. I'm willing to bet there are more fake vegetarians/vegans then there are real ones.  

  12. One of my friends is like that. She doesn't eat meat except when she is forced to for family events because she is italian.

  13. They're plentiful. They just don't want to admit to the world that they love meat. A bunch of pathetic animal lovers, they are.

  14. its called a pescetarian

  15. Yeah so technically they would be pescetarians. But it pretty much is a form of vegetarianism.

  16. Dietary choices are just that, choices. So if you consider yourself a vegetarian because you don't eat birds or mammals, that's your decision. Most people don't identify with fish, so it's easier to eat them if you have a moral issue. But you are the only person that has to live with your diet, so really you're the only one that can judge it. Don't let anyone guilt or harrass you into changing it if you're happy with it.

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