
Are there any teachers on here???

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If so can you answer what does one need to teach. I live in Florida and my husband wants to start teaching. He has his BA in english lit and american studies what else does he need? Any help would be greatly appreciated




  1. I also live in Florida.   I started teaching with a degree in business, not education.   Go to the DOE website and look up career change.  It will give you all the info needed to get a 3 year temporary certificate.  Once you have the 3 year temporary, you can be hired by a school system.  You then have the 3 years to take the classes needed.  I passed the subject area for math, was hired, and took the 5 classes I needed on saturday's thru FAU.    Good luck,  you can make more money in another profession, but there are other rewards that are priceless.  One of my students from my first year came back to my school recently and thanked me for believing in him.  He is now in college and doing well.

  2. Florida has a specific group of subjects that it wants teachers to pass before it will grant a license.  He should contact the Department of Education in the college he wishes to attend and they will look at his credits and tell him what he needs to take.  There is a surplus of teachers of English.  He might want to get into another area that has tremendous need like physics, special education, or math.  He can go online to various school systems and see what kind of teachers they are looking for. This site gives the agency you or he can contact.  They should be able to tell him what else he must do to be able to teach at whatever level he wants.  In my state, they are very helpful.  In Indiana, the university has to recommend you for a license.  The state agency will tell you what and how to get one.

    I want to remind him that teaching requires the ability to get and hold your students' attention.  He may want to start substitute teaching to get an idea of what teaching is like.  Then he can talk to teachers in the trenches.  Maybe he can visit a classroom that is what he wants to do.

    Good luck.  It's a hard job, but someone has got to do it.  ;-)

  3. Here in Ontario, Canada you need to have at least a BA and depending on what level you plan to teach you need to have up to about 5 courses in the subject you are planning on teaching.  As well you need to have one year of teachers college as well.

  4. go to the Florida dept. of ed. web site - it should have all the info you need.  He may be able to participate in a "transition to teaching" program at one of your local colleges.  Depending on the need for teachers out there, he should have a relatively easy time getting into the classroom.

  5. Hey!  I live and teach in Polk County, FL.  He can get hired with a B.A.  Now's a good time to start interviewing, most counties have released their list of expected openings recently.  First, he needs to contact the local school board office.  He may be able to do so online.  They will want an application from him, copies of his transcripts and $ for a background check.  Once that's processed, he can begin interviewing with principals at local schools.  He can check the school board website for advertised openings, but he should also apply at any and all schools where he thinks he'd like to work.  Many teachers don't decide til the middle of summer that they're not coming back, and if your husband has already met with the principal, then he'll have an "in".  He'll need to take copies of his resume's and references with him when he interviews with principals.

    He's first year or so will be very tough.  He will have to pass his certification exams in whatever subject he's hired to teach (hopefully lit or american studies).  He will have to take courses in education (on how to teach) that first year as well.  All while he's trying to learn how to teach for the first time.

    My best advice is to try to take only jobs for subjects you love.  You won't know what age/grade you prefer til you get in there.  Best of luck!

  6. He probably could just go to grad school for 2 years for education. I am from New York, and that is what you'd do there to work in public school(s). He may be able to get a job in a private school with the degree he already has. it depends on the state laws in Florida. The best way to find out is to make an appointment to talk to a college school advisor. They can tell you exactly what certifications he would need.

  7. He can do better than teaching.  It really sucks.  The only good thing is the vacation time, but you really need it to recover from all the idiot parents who refuse to learn English.

  8. To show up.

    He maybe over qualified.

    He would blend in as a good teacher in Florida.

    Why does he need his wife to look for a job for him.

    Tell him to get his rear in gear and stop being his mama.

  9. Not sure how Florida works as each state has their own requirements, but as far as i know, he would also need to complete a credentialing program at one of the Universities.  Many states offer waivers if there is a need for teachers in a specific area of instruction and allow people to teach while they take classes.  I think the best bet would be to contact the university near where live, speak to someone in their credentialing department and check the State's Department of Education website and see what their requirements are for credentialing (classes, tests, etc...).  Most states also have education job sites online where you or he could look for possible openings at schools in your area.  You could then, also call the individual districts and see what they want for hiring purposes.  Some may accept applications from those who are in the process of taking classes to become certificated.  Those would be temporary positions (year to year) most likely and would be lower pay than a teacher who already credentialed but I know many schools who will do that to save money.  I know the school where i work, currently has a grant or something and has 2 teachers who are working on their credentials.  This is their 2nd year in the classroom.  

    Good Luck.

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