
Are there skunks in Thailand?

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I'm just outside the beltway in D.C. and outside the house there's something foul in the air.




  1. Yes, I smell one.  

  2. Only at the Zoos

  3. No! They all moved to Laos because they didn't like the smell outside the beltway in D.C.

  4. lots of rats, never smelled a skunk here.. some smelly foreigners

  5. Oh, I thought you lived in Isaan with your wife...

    Hmm.... No skunks native to Thailand, though there is a species that can be found in Indonesia...

    Wait.. I get it, the DC beltway, means you are referring to American politics.  How clever!

    Does Thailand have the same type of skunk you are referring to (presumably McCain and the his running mate who has more kids than common sense).

    What is on display in both the US and in Thailand is an unfortunate consequence of politics- and that is that power corrupts.  About the only difference between the two breeds of skunks you are referring to is that the Thai breed does little to mask their foulness.

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