
Are there still Americans who wish...?

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Are there still Americans who wish to transform Canada into a Republic instead of a Constitutional Monarchy/Representative Democracy...

Or has this all finally died out?

Do YOU know any Americans who thinks Canada should dump the Queen?




  1. Canada is nothing more than the State north of Michigan...Who Cares....Canada Ain't ****.

    Why do the Trees in Michigan lean North...Because Canada Sucks So Hard.

  2. I personally do not care. I have enough problems in my life without having to worry or think about Canada.

  3. Most Americans have an abiding respect and very friendly attitude toward Canadians and Canada in general. It is your home and a beautiful one at that. It is yours. Do with your country as you and your fellow citizens wish. No other country or it's people, including mine has any right to tell you otherwise...But you know that. Blessings and gratitude  to all of Canada.

  4. I don't know of any that even think about it.  What do we care?  Canada is a great neighbor, trading pardner, and fine friend.  I like and admire Canadians.  I have never forgotten the people in your embassy in Tehran in the late 70s who helped some of our people escape from Iran.  That was a brave and admirable act.

  5. No thank you, Canada is doing just fine as it is. Our constitutional monarchy has proved itself to be a good system. It needs some reforms, but that will be taken care of in time.

    We get to vote directly for the party that governs our country, and they can be booted out of power, if we so desire. And we have!

    We mind our own business and let others get on with theirs.

  6. I am not Canadian therefore do not mix into their affairs

  7. You haven't gotten rid of that old hag yet?

    Please, you obviously do not know what it is like to really be free do you?

    We do, we got rid of the old hag a couple hundred years ago! Most Americans think Canada and Australia should of dumped the hag eons ago.

    Americans don't really give a c**p what the Canadians are doing.

    America has Alaska and Hawaii because both are Militarily Strategic to own.

  8. We have enough problems to worry about without checking up on Canada's business as well!

  9. americans own places like hawiia and alaska because land+power. but at the sam time, if u have that land u have to be able to protect it militarily. the americans can so they do

  10. Well, I know more than a few Americans who claim to be Canadian when they travel overseas.  Does that count?

    As to whether Canada should dump the Queen, I doubt that too many Americans consider the matter.

  11. All in all I believe that the average US Citizen is tired of transforming other countries. The effort is never appreciated and rarely succeeds. I feel that we are becoming more interested in preserving what we have. Please keep Canada's problems in Canada as we have enough of our own.

  12. the french speakers ought to get out of that mixed up mess, and establish their own Quebec. Then the rest of Canada  provinces can ask for statehood inn the USA, province by province. We'd take them any day.

  13. Probably some expanionist Jingoist Americans want Canada to become an American Maple Sugar Republic simply because no idea has ever simply died easy.

       A lot of Americans think we should dump the Queen! Just like they dropped the monarchy over 200 years ago. A lot of Canadians are still royal to the Queen and that ain't gonna happen.

  14. No.

    Most Americans don't even know about this, and don't care.

    You're our friends to the North, and a lot like us, except what your passport says.  Do your thing, and no worries! :)

  15. The British should give Canada back to the French.

  16. not me..I dont care what you folks do

  17. I'm sure there are some.

  18. Well I'm an American and I don't see the point of Great Britain owning property that's like halfway around the world from them or very far away. I'm not just talking about Canada but other places.

  19. It's none of my business.

  20. Are you kidding?  After more than 6 years of Bush-Cheney, I positively envy you.  I would take Chretien, Clark, Trudeau, even Martin and Harper over the jokers we have anyday. You guys got it made up there, where can I sign up?

  21. I didn't know there were any such nonsense ever going on

    what do we care the USA is free and we give your foreign aid.

  22. canada ?where is that... oh yea... the second largest country no thanks i like the sun belt its to cold for me to worry about you hoisers up there

  23. I don't care what the Canadians do, as long as they dont go to war over it.  I live too close to that border to want a war there.

    And we dont keep Alaska and Hawaii.  They are states, equal to the other 48 states.

  24. I'm American, and I don't give a fat rat's a** about it!  Don't know of anyone else who stays up nights caring about it either!!!

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