
Are these girls names way overused?

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  1. I don't hear Addison or Sydney very much.  

  2. Theyre popular but not too popular- theryr arent more than 1 in each class at my lil sister's school- im a high school tutor theer

  3. I don't think so.  I hear Maddison, Cailyn, Kailey, and anything ending in -ayden are overused right now.

  4. Nah....  They aren't too overused.  I like Sydney and Addison a lot and I doubt that there will be too many in your daughters class that it will be a problem.

  5. no Sydney, Addison, and samantha are pretty

  6. Samantha and Jordan are used quite a bit.

    The others I like a ton to tell you the truth!!

  7. No, at this point I think they're all fairly unique.  Addison is the most popular of the bunch.  The others were popular about 15 years ago, but they've slowed down now.

    TX Mom

  8. I haven't heard Addison too much yet, but it's getting popular....I really like Samantha, haven't heard it as often lately.....and I have heard of Reagan but don't know ANY.  

  9. i think it all depends on what country you are in I'm in Australia and i have not heard of very many Addisons or Reagan's ot even Sydney's for that matter.. names are popular in relation to where you live..

    I'm naming my daughter Addison and everyone i have told the name to says they have never heard it before aside from on Grey's anatomy

  10. Samantha is overused I think.

    But the rest aren't too common.

  11. I only know a couple Samantha's, but I live in the middle of nowhere, and it is a common name that will last for a while, I believe. Addison is going to be a lot more popular I think in the next few years. Probably because of the character on Grey's Anatomy. Sydney is up there but I think it is still less common then Samantha and Addison. Reagan and Jordan aren't that overused that i know of.

  12. Samantha is, but not the others

  13. I really don't think any of them are overused

    i don't really like reagan personally

    i think the ones that are "overused" (not really but w/e) are jordan and samantha but i really like those names

    i think my favorites are addison and sydney i love sydney

  14. definitely Samantha and Jordan. I love Addison and Sydney. Reagan is unisex, so i don't care for it.

  15. just samantha.. i don't hear the other's too often. I thought it be more like: Kate, Ashley, Beth, Sarah, Maria, Anne.. etc.

  16. Addison





    Yes Over Used ... i went to a high school with less than 500 students in the WHOLE school and we had each of those names 3 Samanthas 2 Jordans and 1 of each of the other names ... to be a small school and we had them all its over used

  17. I really dislike Addison its over-used for sure, and is the name of a disease!

    The others are all okay except Jordan I don't like. I haven't heard many girls called Sydney, or Samantha lately.

  18. Addison, Reagan, Jordan is I'm not so sure about Samantha, or Sydney, I've heard the others quite frequently, but not the last 2 not all the time!

  19. yep expecally addison and jordan

  20. To me, not really but I see it this way no matter what name you choose there is always going to be dozens of people with that same name

  21. Addison----nooo its not over used

    Samantha----not anymore

    Reagan-----its getting to be



    I love Reagan though hhahahha

  22. I know alot of Samanthas my age (13) but i haven't heard it alot in babies

    Addison and Reagon I never hear

    Sydneys kinda used alot and so is Jordan but not a whole lot

  23. Samantha is.

    Addison is getting there.

    Reagan isn't.

    Sydney is borderline overused.

    Jordan is ugly.

  24. I don't really think they are overused

  25. They are common but  not overused like the " Aiden " names.

  26. I don't think that any of those sound overused. Samantha is more common than the others but they are all nice names.

  27. no not really, i don't hear any of them that often.  Samantha would be the most common out of the list.

  28. Addison, is very cute. I havent heard that alot.

    Samantha. Yes! All the time!

    Reagan, once again. Very cute havent heard that at all actually.

    Sydney, ive heard it a couple times. but i love that name

    and Jordan, its cute. but im hearing it more and more these days

  29. I have never heard Reagan before


  30. Addison is getting popular on this site but I haven't actually heard of anyone named it in real life.

    Samantha was a common name in about the 90's but I wouldn't say it was overused.

    Reagan is a stupid name but I haven't heard it much at all.

    Sydney is starting to make frequent appearances but I don't know anyone with this name.

    Jordan is common but not overused either.

    I think it all depends on where you live and the people you know. For example my name is Megan which was 10th most popular for the year of my birth but in my whole 15 years I have only ever met one other Megan. She was a year younger than me and we had the same middle name too!

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