
Are these meds ok together?

by  |  earlier

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I took 1,000 mg of extra strength tylenol this morning at 8am (for a headache). Then at 8:30 I took 20 mg of Predisone (for a rash I have). The rash is still bothering me; can I take Benadryl on top of these 2 other drugs? I know it's ok with Pred, but not sure about Tylenol.





  1. When I'm uncertain about a combination of drugs, I call a pharmacist at any pharmacy.  They know best which drugs interact.  It's best to be safe!  I hope your rash goes away soon, it sounds miserable.

  2. yes.. it will be fine... benadryl is a very safe drug... sounds like you are having a bad day... hope you feel better.........

  3. I think that you will be just fine. I had an allergy attack last month to latex

    I was on prednisone for 3 weeks and he told me to take benedryl,and tylenol for pain if needed, but i had percocet so no big deal.

    If you need to return to the Dr, these prescriptions  may also help:

    for the itch,

    i asked for vistaril 50 mg also known as atarax (hydroxyzine) I have tons of allergies

    (it does and will make you drowsy -lol) or the 25mg

    and also what you might need  you may want to ask for some triamincolone creme (cortisone) .1mg is what they may  give you-

    I asked for the .5 and it worked much better.

    NO need suffering.  total cost at walmart was less then 15.00 to stop the crazy itching!

  4. It should be.  Tylenol is a pain killer.  Benadryl is an anti-itch/allergy thing.

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