
Are these moms serious!?

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People are ACTUALLY advising someone to have about 4 or 5 outfits for a newborn! 4 or 5??? My son has a closet full of in the world can you even think that 4 outfits is plenty for anyone especially a new baby that will have many accidents...spitting up, diaper changes. Sorry, this just blew my mind.




  1. Well I think that is a little low. But my daughter had outfits she never got a chance to wear. I had a lot of sleepers, tee shirts and gowns. Maybe they don't think they will take the child out. IDK

  2. Some people are freaking Wrong!!

    I am due in 2 weeks and I just packed my hospital bag for her and in it I packed about 4 newborn outfits...Just for the hospital. Plus her closest at home has to many outfits to fit in are wrong if they think 4 or 5 outfits will do. My 2 month old niece goes through that in a day!!!!

  3. my baby lived in onsies and we didnt go out much until he was grown out of need to spend money on cute things that will only be used once :)

  4. well i wouldn't say they need a closet full.  But definitely more than 4-5 outfits.  Possibly 10-12 so you don't need to wash all the time.  But if you've the money to spoil your baby, go ahead!  They're only babies once!

  5. Actually that is not uncommon.  Because babies actually grow out of their clothes so fast that it is just not worth it!  

  6. That blew your mind??? WOW...The answerer probably didn't have kids yet & doesn't have an idea how many clothes babies go through. However maybe she meant just "going out" daughter only has about 8 full outfits e.g skirt, matching top, shoes & headband.

  7. I probobly have a few more than that, like 10. Mostly because people will give you a TON at your baby showers, plus they grow out of them so quickly that it'd be foolish to buy a lot.

  8. I think maybe they mean 4 or 5 outfits as in getting dressed up b/c a lot of moms leave their babies in onsies or sleep-n-plays during the week or at home time and then they get dressed more formal once they go out somewhere. and also that was probably a suggestion either b/c newborns will grow quickly out of that size or the mean the actual "newborn" sizes. Hope this helped...

  9. Are they talking about going out outfits or lay around the house and do nothing outfits (sleepers, onesies, etc).

    I've never had more than two or three "go out in public" outfits for my newborns. I've never had a need for them. I usually have at least 8 each of onesies or little footed things in newborn.

    Not everyone needs or uses the same amount of these things.

  10. Well when you are a single mom surviving on your income alone, sometimes you just don't have the money to p**s away on cute outfits.  Diapers, food, rent, insurance payments, etc. all have to come first.

    *It's ok....I'm kind of touchy about the fact that I don't have a lot of money to spend on cute "extras".  I feel I should be able to, but I just lack the funds.  It makes me feel bad*

  11. When my first was born I only had 4 or 5 outfits because we didn't know the s*x and we didn't want a whole room full of green and yellow.  I knew that as soon as she was born everyone would be out shopping (and they were!).  

    I think those guidelines were made a few years ago when most people didn't know what s*x they were having.

  12. if by "outfits" you mean leaving the house clothes, and not sleepers, then that i think is plenty. when you have a baby, you don't go all over gods creation to show them off in nifty clothing. you are usually recovering and the baby is too small to have a bunch of buttons and zippers all over them just to sleep in.

    if they are counting sleepers too, that is way too low in my opinion. i would have about 4-5 leaving the house outfits and about 7-9 sleepers.

    they grow out of newborn extremely fast-unless they are preemie. i never used 1/2 of my newborn  "outfits" with both of my kids. they were in 0-3 months, after about 2-3 weeks. newborn is too small to have alot of.

    most parents live and learn after their first child though.-i know i did and ended up having a garage sale for 3/4 of clothing that my daughter never wore.

  13. My babies had about 20 outfits at birth and only used maybe 6 or 7 of them.  I did laundry daily and they only went through may 2-3 a day.  Why spend loads of money on baby clothes they'll grow out of in a few weeks?

  14. 4 or 5 newborn outfits is great advice. It doesnt mean only 4 or 5 outfits total it means dont buy more than 4 or 5 of the size newborn. Most kids outgrow the size within 2-3 weeks and some never are small enough to wear newborn outfits. Im not naive. I have 3 children myself. But if your buying closets full of clothing in 1 size thats pretty stupid.  

  15. Well I can't advise but I will comment only because I live here in Kenya and it amazes me by the various answers about 20 outfits ets.... spare a thought for all the kids born on this continent without any outfit waiting!  Wht's waiting for a great deal of them is Malaria, a long walk to a school with no walls, often a shortage of food and very few job prospects. Whatever you guys decide re. the outfits please consider yourselves very lucky that you have problems such as those! Have a nice day!

  16. oh wow.

    i just found out i'd be having a girl on 8.22 and already i have over 30 little outfits, dresses and sleepy time clothes. i can't believe people could be naive.

  17. 4 or 5 outfits period, or 4-5 newborn outfits?  I would have to agree with the latter - I only had about 5 newborn outfits and I am glad since my daughter lasted less than a week in them.  I also found that when she was first born, we had a lot less accidents then we do now that she spits up and had blowouts - that never happened when she was a newborn.

    If they are suggesting 4-5 outfits total, that seems wrong.  you can't even make a load of laundry out of 5 baby outfits =P

  18. It depends what they mean.  I advise most people to skip "newborn" outfits all together.  Most babies don't actually fit in newborn sizes and if they do, its not for very long.  0-3 month is best.  Even then, you don't need tons of them.  They just grow too fast.  Although I think you may need more than 4 or 5 on hand, that's actually probably all they really wear, then its time for a new size.  I had about 6 favorite little outfits for my kids when they were newborns.  The rest of the time, they just wore onesies or sleepers.  I never saw the point in getting them dressed up in a full outfit just to change them 10 times a day.

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