
Are these names stupid?

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My friend named her 4 kids-

Fallen Cheyanne. cheyannes not bad but fallen?

Heaven-Lee Angel. heavenly angel?

Angel Is(Eyes)

Princess Nevaeh

why would u name ur kid those names?






    i mean PRINCESS??? Seriously. SO when a lil boy has a crush on her he is going to say YEAH I LIKE PRINCESS

    I mean are you kinding me??

    Ive known and ANGEL and she is a NUT!!!!!!!!!!

    And Fallen and HEAVEN-LEE !!! Seriously that is sooo stupid !


  2. yea they are pretty bad

    answer mine please;...

  3. Yes, they are all stupid names.

  4. the heaven-lee isn't that bad, pretty clever.

    however the other 3 are definitely unique but quite awkward to call a child in school for.

  5. poor kids, they might change their names when they get older

  6. Sh*taceous......

  7. These names are aweful. They are asking for their children to be harrased.  


    that kid is going to be so made fun of

  9. Oh, goodness!

    When you say her kids' names together, you end up with Fallen Heavenly Angel Princess.  It sounds evil and sickly-sweet all at once.


  10. NO!! poor kids are not going to have a good childhood!

  11. the only names i like is princess nevaeh, and chyanne, those names are cute.

    but the rest are well, wacky different.

  12. i feel bad for the kids.

  13. haha she is immature, and will most likely regret choosing those names when shes older.

    haha, princess thats wow.

    she will be sitting on the couch, when her children are getting a job, and their name tag says something like PRINCESS hahaha, or  signing up for college, with names like those, i would be embarrassed.

  14. Well i would assume that as she named her kids that:

    A - she was a school drop-out

    B - all the kids have different fathers

    C - she is unemployed

    D - her kids will be in the exact same situation when they are older


  15. They are painfully bad.

    I don't like Cheyenne anyways, because Wyoming is a boring, dusty state, and the capital is no exception. Paired with Fallen? It's bewildering.

    I can't stand all the heaven references and the painful misspellings and Nevaeh. I hope the all change their names to Sue, Jane, Karen, and Claire.

  16. Absoulty NOT.

    i think those names are precious.

    I like Fallen Cheyanna.

    Taylor LIkes Jeaven-Lee Angel

    And taylor says: They are specail cause they have a meaning

    And i agree =]

    Personal Religious Touch

  17. Eek...poor kids!

  18. Fallen is awful; Cheyenne is cute.

    Heaven-Lee Angel is tacky and sounds horribly cheesy.

    Angel is okay; Is? Not so much.

    Princess, can you imagine a grown woman named Princess? Ugh. Nevaeh is made up, but it's OKAY if it's a middle name.

    Overall they are awful. I feel bad for them.

  19. i really do feel sorry for the kids i meen common angel in eyes wot was she thinkin was she drunk or sumink and y didnt no 1 stop here !!

  20. I wouldn't go as far as saying they are stupid but I would definitely not name my kids that. The Fallen Cheyanne isn't so bad but the others....Woooh, I'm not real hot on those.A little far fetched.

  21. I wouldn't name my kids any of those. They're pretty and what not but the only one I would even consider naming my kid is Nevaeh or Cheyanne.

  22. My god those are horrible. Poor kids.  

  23. Yup they're stupid

  24. I would not want people to think I am a crack head of a parent.

  25. Fallon (fal-lon) is actually a very pretty name, and it pairs nicely with Cheyenne (a Native American Indian Tribe)

    Angel is used very often in Hispanic cultures, and is not weird.

    Heaven, well, that's borderline, but I do remember people from when I was a child who named their girls Heaven or Heavenly (back in the 1970's).

    Lee is actually a great name.

    Princess - kinda like Michael Jackson naming his son Prince - it's out there.

    Nevaeh ... whoever thought this up Had to have been high at the time, and all the morons who copy it are just as bad if not worse!  Heaven spelled backwards is NOT a name ... Stupidity at it's finest, yes, a name, Never!  You wanna name your kid Heaven, at least spell it correctly!  JMO


  26. because she doesn't care what anybody thinks. My first name is Laken is that stupid. I just go by Angie because people can spell it. She wants her kids to have names nobody else has and that is perfectly fine.  

  27. poor kids

  28. who names their kid Angel "Is?" & Nevaeh's the worst name to name your child! who's this crazy person you're talking about?

  29. Aww I feel so bad for the kids! I would never name my kids that! They will no doubt get teased! I don't mean to be rude but they are horrible!

  30. I actually like the name Fallen. O.o

    But the others are bad.

  31. THose names have a do I put this without being completely blunt.....yeah, nevermind, they're the stupidest names I've ever heard. Shoot your friend. NOW.

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