
Are these people jerks or what?

by  |  earlier

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On my way to work I have to make a left at this intersection where there are 2 left turn lanes for east bound traffic. On the eastbound side there are 3 lanes with the left lane merging into the middle lane. There is a HUGE "left lane merges" sign, but it never fails....there's alway a few jackasses who insist on staying in the far left lane who end up cutting everyone off as the lane merges into traffic.

...and in the evening, westbound on this 3 lane road I get down to this intersection (not the same one as the AM) where the right lane becomes a right turn only lane. There are signs posted for this but yet there always a few jackasses who will go all the way down to the intersection crossing the heavy solid white line forcing their way back into traffic to continue westbound on this road.

Is this sort of c**p everywhere? Or is just the idiots in this area?




  1. it's everywhere. They're half a second is more important than yours.

  2. yeah everywhere

    the bad part is that some ppl actually let these jerks in

    I do everything a few inches short of wrecking these idiots.

    if ppl wouldn't let them in so easily a few might think twice.

    I've thought of throwing eggs or bricks at them as they drive by but I don't have any good friends that are lawyers or cops so it's just a nice thought.


  3. It's everywhere.

  4. These people are everywhere and they are of course more important then you.Lol,NOT.Just be comforted by the fact that everybody knows these people are IDIOTS. :-)


  6. Any where there is city traffic you get city manners and that means bad manners but some people { The scared kind }  don't like to change lanes unless they have at least 5 car lengths clearance , which your not going to get in rush hour traffic ,and then they get boxed in and have to wait till the last second. I've drove in New York  NY,Trenton NJ Philladelphia Pa Chicago Ill. Toronto Ont Pittsburg Pa Detroit Mi Teledo Ohio and they are all the same. But by the same token you have to back off and let them in too. Try it with a big rig!!

  7. Nope, it's everywhere. Idiocy seems to be contagious.

  8. I know it really irks me too. It makes me want to stand my ground and let them hit me but I need my car too bad!

  9. yes lol

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