
Are these possible signs of pregnancy?

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I'm almost 30 yrs old, and I already have a 3 yr old daughter (turned 3 today!). DH and I have been TTC for over a year for a second. Two weeks ago, I noticed my b*****s getting tender, like a teenage growth spurt. Now this happened a couple of months ago, and I learned as you get older to expect this before a period. This was the case at that time. So when it started a couple of weeks ago, I just thought, OK, period right around the corner. I also had mild abdominal cramping, and then a couple of days later, I wiped some dark blood one morning. I thought, OK, there it is. I put a total of 3 'pons in that day, and they all came out with no discharge. The breast pain continued from then until now, and I have noticed also some constipation, and slight lightheadedness recently, and I've needed to take naps for the past 3 or so days. Think it's possible I'm pg? I see my OB tomorrow anyway for something unrelated, but I just thought I'd have fun reading responses before I went...




  1. It is possible that you are pregnant. However, you are also right about the PMS symptoms. I am 33 and if I had not had a tubal ligation 5 years ago I would think that I was pregnant because my PMS is so similar to early pregnancy.  

  2. i dont think that abdominal pain is really pregnancy related not this early at least, tender breast and fatigue are though, i would ask about getting a test done at your app. other than that just wait another week or two and take a hpt. good luck  

  3. Aw! these were some of my pregnancy symptoms. I hope you are.

    Also. If you think you may be pregnant my OB said try to avoid 'pons!

    Good luck

    (ask your OB for a blood test tomorrow!)

  4. Those sound just like the symptoms of pregnancy to me:)  A lot of my friends have spotted while in their early stages!  GOOD LUCK and keep us posted!

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