
Are these signs of paranoia?

by Guest57317  |  earlier

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One of my really close friends and I were talking the other night, and she told me that when she was home alone, she heard someone upstairs in her house, banging into things, and that she also heard footsteps. However, when her family came back home, there was no one in the house, and no one believed what she said. She's told me these types of things before (hearing people in the house, etc) and once even locked herself in the bathroom until her family came home.

When we were camping out once, she was not able to sleep that night because she was sure someone was going to come and hurt us, even though we were in a very safe area.

Are these signs of paranoia, and what should I do for her if they are?

She has been dealing with a lot of stress, and has started drinking a little, and also has developed an eating disorder (we are getting her help for this), along with hearing things in her house.

Could the paranoia be stress related, like it is with the drinking and the eating disorder?




  1. That sounds like stress/anxiety paranoia.  I think most ppl experience a little of this a some point or other.  She seems to be having a lot more of it than most.  If her ED treatment is with a therapist, it would be very smart for her to talk about this, too.  If she's not seeing a therapist, it'd be a good idea to think about doing so.

  2. It is definitely possible that this could be stress related. Maybe you can talk to her family about it to see what they can do.

  3. yes

  4. Ghosts.

  5. Paranoia is common with people who are experiencing lots of stress, from what it seems she is paranoid (the camping situation) but as for being at home and hearing footsteps i do not blame her for being afraid, a house is suppose to be a safe spot for people and if she feels like it has ben broken into by a stranger then she has every right to be scared, she should have a friend come over when she is the only one at home to either confirm the noises or to deny them, if the noises are something like a pet or the wind then that's the answer and she should be aware of that, but if they can not confirm the noise she is "hearing' she may need some help

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