
Are these symptoms of depression..?

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last year for 2 months i started feeling sad, cried often,i stopped eating and shut myself in the room, i stopped joking and talking to my friends that often my grade dropped, this was after a big move and now my family is having financial problems and these things are returning and moreover i have this huge guilty feeling inside me.are these signs of depression..?




  1. yes.

    i'd talk to your parents or someone in the family you are close with (maybe an older sister, aunt, grandma) and see if they can schedule you a doctors appointment.

  2. yes

  3. Yes, you need to talk to your doc

    take care


  4. ya i am pretty sure these are i know how you feel i had these feelings not too long ago. you should probably tell someone you know you can trust and who will understand.

  5. they can be, but it is a though time from the sounds of it. i did something simular to that in my teens, and if i can give you any advice, don't listen to music. music can be the ultimate ingredient for depression. just go into things with your head high and give it your all, good luck

  6. no,  

  7. Yes I did the exact same thing:locked myself in my room. I cried a lot too, but these are signs of depression.

    Seeing a therapist might help. Or talking to your doctor about it is another option. He could prescribe you anti-depressants.

  8. yes. go to your doctor. she will reccommend an anti-depressant for you.

  9. yes

    try this site for information  use search

  10. I'm no dr., but it sure sounds like depression to me.  Check your symptoms at wedmd.  There is a questionare that will give a better idea of what you are facing.  Better yet, it will tell you how to cope with your deppression, and what you can do to get back to your normal self.  Also, check out the Depression overview, which will give you a better idea of what depression really is, facts, what the signs are, causes, and prevention.

  11. Sounds like it could be depression.  I can't diagnose you sorry.  You should see a doc.  

  12. May be not "depression"  From what you have written the thing to think about is

    i have this huge guilty feeling inside me.

    Ask your self WHY you have this feeling

    Where did it come from

    Is it yours or some one else’s guilt

    Can you give it back to the person it belongs to

    Can you talk to a professional counsellor before it gets to deep  

  13. um i think soooo

  14. Absolutely. The financial problems and moving seem to be the trigger of this returning sadness. Talk to your school counselor (free!) He/she will be able to help you take the next step in recovery. Feel better!

  15. yeah it sounds like you have a small case of depression go see a doctor for sure and find out get diagnosed if you have it and get meds I have depression for 6 years it get's better :)) or it can get wayy worse sounds like it's just the beginning for you so I would get help asap before it gets worse like mine did :(

    If your still in school talk to your school counselour and you close friends about it but I would also suggest a physchologist or therapist your insurance should cover most therapy bills

    good luck hoped I helped youu

    try working out alot it release endorphins in your brain and  make you happy :)) it sure helps mee you just have to push yourself to go out and do activities if you don't it can get reallyy bad but don't do anything to stressful I hope you get better girl :)

  16. You don't say how you pulled yourself out of it last year.  Bad things happen and maybe with the move and the financial problems you have real reasons to be sad.

    And then the good times come again.  You can make new friends, help your family with money, come out ahead that way.

    But sometimes people get blue for no reason, and can't find a way out.  mention this to a teacher, and they have numbers kids can call.

  17. yes.... just find something to relax yourself man, and cheer up, if you really want to help financially get a part time job, worrying your parent with dropping grade is bad..

  18. Yes. See your doctor.

  19. I think you are going through a depression, but it will, as the last

    episode did, eventually pass. It is due to major changes in your life

    that you are having a hard time accepting and dealing with. But all

    these changes are only lessons in life, and most of us go through

    them at one time or another. But they do work out and we then

    recover, and learn another lesson in life or at least, how to deal

    with unwanted stressful times. The guilt feeling is only the fact that

    you want to make it all better and for it to all go away, yet you can't.

    Don't worry, it will work out and know it is not because of you that

    these things happen. Good Luck and....don't worry!  

  20. Sounds like problems due to movie, or situational depression. Talk to your school counselor and see  if you need serious counseling.

  21. Yes, they are.  But there is help.  Please talk to your doctor about it.

  22. Seek immediate help. Or money. If you've stopped joking, there's really no             hope at all, join the army.

  23. They very well could be depending on the situation i guess.

    i was happy and a very Funny guy that could make everyone laugh   and everyone thought i was great to be around,

    and then one day i just started feeling like i was all alone and no one cared for me.  I was lonely and still feel that way and i think these are signs of depression

    and in your case you just have to analyze the situation to determine if you have just a very stressful life or if you are depressed

    hope this helps a little

  24. nope your just getting used to this new life, try occupying yourself with other things like game consoles if you have any or computer games? and remember that everyone goes through this at some point in their life

  25. no, your probably just going through a hard time. But if you ever have thoughts of suicide talk to your parents, and you can get help.

  26. yes. you should talk to a doctor about them.

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