
Are these symptoms of depression?

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I feel continuously that I am lazy and unmotivated. I pass the time surfing the internet doing nothing instead of working. This is not really me, I used to be a hard worker and a very successful engineer. I even got a double pay raise in the same year. But now, I am struggling to prove my worthiness....

Do you think that these are symptoms of depression? I enjoy my job but I can't really know what happened to me deep inside.




  1. I would definitely talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Maybe it is partly due to your diet and lack of exercise, but talking to your doc will help you determine that. Depression can be very serious and is not something that should be taken lightly.

    Even if it is not depression, it could be something else health wise, such as your thyroid. Please go see your doctor so you can start feeling better.

  2. Yes this does sound like depression. However is part of your loss of interest in your job due to the fact that you are bored with it? Does this loss of interest carry over to other aspects of your life. Sometimes when the politics at work get heavy or I always have to work with the same annoying person I get sick of my job and this severely effects my job performance even though I am great at my job. Address whats ever going on. If I don't exercise I get depressed (exercise releases endorphins which are chemicals that cause euphoria as does laughing, s*x, and sunlight). I have a family history of depression and can get depressed. By doing these things I can stay off medications which have bad side-effects for me (but not all people). I also have a lot of passion in my career, if you don't life can be h**l because you spend a lot of time there. It could be that you are ready for a career change.    

  3. yes

  4. If u feel tired, unmotivated,unhappy  ,lost of direction(no goal)e.g. just like a boat floating in the ocean not knowing where to go , in no mood to do anything only wanted to laze around-yes,probably overtired, extausted from overworked/overstress & depression.

    solution: u need to de-stress

    give uself a break-go for a holiday,spa ,body massage,do some exercises e.g.gym,brisk walking, jogging ...etc


    if in addition to the above symptoms, u feel restless,lonely,loss of appetite  

    either u're just lost yr love one or

    u're sick.

    Remedy to lost of love:-talk to someone,sharing,writing a diary(if u don't want anyone to know), give yrself time..meanwhile relax

    time will heal.

    remedy to sickness: see a doctor

    Hope this help!

  5. Depression is very complex illness. You should have at least 5 major symptoms and even then is still hard to be diagnosed. May be you just need rest for now and to slow down and it is OK.

  6. Yes - this is definently a symptom of depression.

    You should go and see a doctor or therapist if it continues for too much longer or is interfering with your everyday life (eg your job, social life ect).

    You may just need to talk to someone - if it something more serious you may need a mild anti-depressant for the short-term.

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