
Are these things true of Israel?

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Please comment on each or some of the following statements (not necesserily my opinions):

- Israel should never have been recreated by the west (without consulting the Palestinians).

- Jerusalem should not be devided into two halves, irrespective of who gets what.

- Jerusalem could exist as an independant state.

- Israel is a reality, its creation cannot be undone.

- Israel is a theocracy as it is governed by religious law.

- Israel is right in forcefully defending its citizens from those who incite or execute violence against them.

- Israel has commited war crimes in its attacks on its neighbours.

- Israel abuses the strength of its lobby in the USA to supress neighbours.

- Israel has caused many of its own problems.

- Israel's favouritist treatment of Jews is unjust, immoral and contrary to modern values.

- There can be peace between Israel and its neighbours eventually.

And finally, a trivial question which has been bothering me. Is pork illegal in Israel?




  1. Not going to do a statement by statement just a comment, sorry.

    Most everything there is at least partially true, it's possibly the most complicated situation in the world.

  2. Every single one is a racist lie.


  3. 1.MOOT: There was no 'Palestinian Ruling body' to 'consult'.


    3.TRUE: Jerusalem should be an open, international City under the control of the UN as proposed in the original patrician agreement.




    7.TRUE, but who hasn't?


    9.TRUE, but the same is true of the Palestinians.

    10.TRUE, but are the Muslims any better?

    11.TRUE, but only if they can stop killing each other long enough to decide they prefer it....

    12.Nope, pork IS available but you have to know where to look 'cause they sure as h**l don't advertise it!lol

  4. -yes






    -yes (sometimes)




    and finaly no :)

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