
Are they an alocoholic?

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Here's the story with someone I know. Do they have a drinking problem or am I just paranoid?

1. They never get drunk

2. They go 4 or 5 days in a row where they drink everday (they dont get drunk) but they have one or two drinks everday for 4 or 5 days in a row.

3. They will then go for a few days without drinking at all.

4. They are also on regulated prescription medicine everday as well, its not uncommon for them to have a few tylenol everyday (they suffered an accident a few years ago so they ar actually in pain)

5. They also tend to take reactin or benidryl frequently for allergies.

Does this person have a problem or am I just being paranoid.




  1. That person is normal. A recent study found that moderate drinkers (7-14) drinks per week actually have many health benefits, like a 20% lower risk of heart disease, and also a much lower risk of dementia.

    Drinking is excessive when it is more than 14 drinks per week. Anything more than 3 drinks per day is excessive.

    According to recent studies, the person you described would actually be geting health BENEFITS from what you described.

  2. I vote paranoid.

    Alcoholics drink every day until they are drunk, soused, out of their head.

    Tylenol is not a drug of choice for anyone.

    And if there was ever a reactin addict in the world, it would be the first.

    Lighten up little sis, and wait until you see the bab stuff.

  3. Well...alcoholics never "get drunk",......

    Alcoholics are the ones who drink on a daily bases.

  4. If you ask them if they could stop drinking altogether, say, if the doctor ordered them to, and they say, "No" ... they are alcoholics.

    Mixing any medication with alcohol is always risky, even OTC (over-the-counter) medications.  Benedryl, in particular, is one.  It causes drowsiness, and alcohol is a depressant, and will magnify the drowsy effects.  This can be particularly dangerous if they are driving, operating machinery, or participating in some other "risky" behavior.  A police officer could arrest them for DUI, because DUI is not solely limited to alcohol and/or illicit drugs.

    Have a polite day.

  5. Does not sound like a problem to me, but you may have a co-dependency problem.

  6. Alcoholics have more than 2 drinks a day. Alcoholics tend to drink everything in the house, which would make them drunk. For example, if they bought a 6 pack they would drink the 6 pack. If the bought a 12 pack they would drink it. If they bought a big case of 24 cans they would drink till they passed out.

    Having a beer with dinner is no big deal. If they go days without drinking for reasons other than "out of money till payday", they are not an alcoholic.

  7.   I believe that you are worrying too much.

    Not paranoid, but concerneded friend.

    What you describe is perfectly normal, and not abusive at all.

      This forum is not for you this time.  Ask your own Doctor about the symptoms that you feel you see for a much better answer.

  8. I don't know that paranoid is the right description but you are way off on this one.  These people sound normal to me.  

  9. You're being paranoid. Lots of people have a beer or a glass of wine after work. Or even two. It's ok.

  10. No, I'd call that a perfectly normal person!  (not me though, I'm tee-total)

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