
Are they bullying me?

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I'm 15, and in 10th grade. I just ended my second day of school.

The first day went as follows: All was perfect until lunch. I have reeeealllly big hair, and everyone started teasing me and calling me emo which makes no sense to me. There was this group of senior girls, prolly about 5 or 6, at the table in front of me. they were visibly laughing at me, which i ignored. then while i was walking to sixth period, i accidentally bumped into one of the girls. She growled "Don't ******* touch me!" So I quickly apologized.

This is the second day:

Once again, all was good until lunch. Those seniors were mocking me again and pointing and laughing at me.

My third period teacher said you can be verbally bullied.

I only know one of their names, and I don't know their homeroom classes.

Would it be a waste to tell me teachers what's going on?

Is this even considered bullying?




  1. it is considered bullying but, dont even worry about it. as long as they dont touch you then its all good. stay away from them! they're seniors so they'll be gone before you know it.

  2. Ok, if your going to tell teachers then you'll be bully more. Ok so don't sit by them or close or anything. Make friends, a little group & then walk by them & tell your friends to laugh at them they'll feel intimidated as well.

  3. Yes that is bullying. The worst form! Getting beaten up doesnt hurt you inside but this does. You need to show them not to f***kin mess with you again. Next time they do/say anything to you you need to get out cause the loudest commotion ever and attack one of them . This wont get you expelled as 99% of schools n america allow self defence from bullying.  

    Plan A : When you see one in the hallway "accidently" bump into one if they shout or touch you then its time to woop some ***.

    Tip: I know your probably a very shy person and you'll laugh at this suggestion but your gonna need to do it at one point. Bullys are cowards who have nothing else to do except pick on smaller girls coz there too p***y to pick on their own size.

    Plan B: Spread rumours about these cows and when they laugh at you laugh at them back. Dont be shy and think no=ones gonna like you after. If they come towards you in their groups shout at the top of your f****in lungs , swearing etc and threaten and if they carry on attack one. Dont kill her but you know... no pain no game :)

    Dude trust me on this my sister had the same problem now shes like the most popular girl in her school!

  4. Just laughing at you? No, probably not cause they can say they were laughing at something else. However, mocking/pointing at you can be seen as bullying or harassment. I would wait a bit before you tell a teacher. They may stop by next week, if not then you should consider it. Especially if they start yelling rude thigns to you.
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