
Are they lying about halal meat?

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Well I went to the store, and I noticed that they had halal meat and normal meat like maple leaf and what not. It said on the packaging of the halal meat, that it's certified by some sort of Islamic group (can't remember I have a bad memory). I asked My friend about how they sacrifice and when I thought about it, would a large company be able to butcher so many chickens cows, and lambs and follow the Islamic procedures in one day (ex. in Islam you must pray or something for every animal would they really have the time?) Or, are they just lying and putting on a certified halal seal and giving it a higher price making people believe it's safe to eat?




  1. Canada's halal meat process should be the same as Australia's halal meat process. They line the cows up before slaughter and have an Imam (Muslim priest) who says the blessing/prayer before the animals can be slaughtered.

    There is an association in charge of certifying whether to meat is really halal and that's where the sticker to certify that the meat is halal comes from. They can also say how many Imam's should be present for the blessing. There was a case once in my studies (I studied culture & languages) where a beef company had to hire 3 Imam's instead of 2 because the association made them - and if they didn't hire the extra, they wouldn't certify them. The company also asked if they could just get a tape recording of them giving the prayer, but this was rejected by the association.

  2. You are misunderstanding the process. The prayer is only 3 words long 'Bismallah, Allahu Akbar' (In the name of God, God is Great). It only takes one second to utter the prayer. It is a single slash of the knife that cuts the esophagus and trachea. It may take about two seconds. Bleeding takes about two minutes  While the animal bleeds, you could be butchering other animals. The dependence is not on the ritual but the physical space available and the helpers. One experienced person can easily slaughter about 5 goats per minute.


    The animal must be slaughtered (Halal) according to Koran for Muslimsms. The animal must be well, alive and conscious. The animal is laid on the back, and shackled. A single slash by a sharp knife severs the neck vessels (esophagus and trachea). Bleeding takes about two minutes. The butcher is required to say 'Bismallah, Allahu Akbar' (In the name of God, God is Great) as he starts to slash the neck.

  3. Okay, Yogesh G.'s informative and descriptive answer just made me a vegetarian. Thanks.

  4. they put them in special machines in large numbers so they can produce so many in one day , and the prayer by a recorder

  5. No

    why would they do that ??

    There are too many people watching


    I will comment that cutting the jugular trachea esophagus will not "kill "the animal for the two minuets that is being bleed.. That is not humane.. the shotgun is quick

    I have seen the Kosher slaughter on TV that animal is in panic the whole time until unconscious''

    thank you  to Yogesh for the web site

    very informative,,, I do not see where it quotes the koran

  6. yes i know this sounds very dumb but yes they do bless the meat not individually but alot at time but their is actually a priest there just for that so they are happy with knowing it was blessed  

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