
Are wasps actually evil?

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What is the point of them?!




  1. well, theyre not evil. theyre just afraid of u and dont like things biggr than them. just ignore em.

  2. I had a wasp nest up under my porch right in the corner. I begged my husband to destroy it before they ended up stinging one of us.......well 3 weeks went by and they so far seemed to wanna stay to themselves. WRONG!!!! I opened the door one night and as soon as i did, one flew and stung me right on the side of my chin. It was a baby wasp. Needless to say i went the next day and bought some wasp spray and killed them little suckers!!!!!

    EVIL ...yeah their the midget forms of satans creatures in disquise

  3. yes they eat away at the apples on my apple tree and not just 1

    there are lots of them and they don't like it when people come near them

  4. Are you talking about White Anglo Saxson Prodestants

  5. Wasps I believe are evil... And one of evil's smaller forms.

    They thin out the population of certain species of smaller bugs, but other than that, all they do is sting and hurt people.

  6. YES!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Oh god, not another "what is the point of wasps" question!

    I'm starting to believe that the point of wasps is to make people come on here and ask what is the point of wasps.

    So yes, they are evil.

  8. i would say yes

    at least bees have a purpose, wasps seem to only dive bomb and sting people.

  9. No animal is evil, only human beings can be evil. Of course I am sure there is a point in them, just I haven't figured it out, LOL

  10. They are territorial, like many animals.  There are trying to raise a family and they don't want you around so they will sting you away.  If there was some threatening animal in your neighborhood where you and your children were living, like a poisonous snake, you would probably try to get rid of the threat also.  They are no more or less evil then you or I.

  11. The point of them is their stinger (get it.. point? lol...)

    Anyway, the point of wasps is the same as the point of everything else.  To have babies and be successful.  Wasps also have no concept of good or evil, and are not products of evil, no animal is.

    Also, wasps can be beneficial as they can help pollinate flowers, they can also keep pests like grasshoppers in check.  Some of them prey on spiders, a good example being tarantula hawks.  They are very defensive, however, and individual wasps have no problem laying their lives on the line for the good of the colony and to protect the queen.  All wasps except the queens and the drones (neither of which can sting) are sterile.  By giving it's life to protect the queen, the wasp, who can't reproduce anyway, is ensuring that the queen can go on making babies.  In fact, stingers in bees and wasps are developed from the ovipositor, which is an organ in female insects designed to lay eggs inside wood or the ground.

  12. they sure do look and act evil...but anywayzz.

  13. That's a really stupid question I have to say. How can a wasp be evil? It doesn't even have a brain. It's just being a wasp, that's what wasps do, they don't know any different. There doesn't have to be a point of them, evolution just makes creatures that fit where there is an ecological niche, there aren't many insects eating sugary things in August so wasps have evolved to do that. They sting to protect themselves. Dogs bite, are they evil?

  14. They can fly, and are therefore virtually inescapable, have infinite stinging capability, and share homes with hundreds of other wasps. The way I was brought up leads me to believe those are evil creatures xD

  15. To scare the you know what out of you.  Honestly they're not generally aggressive though.  I know they look like the spawn of Satan, but they don't make their living by stinging you, so they only sting if you step on sit on grab them or poke their nest.  I have caught them in a jar many times while they're drinking nectar from flowers and surprisingly if you miss, they don't come after you and when you release them again later they don't seek revenge.  Oh and some kinds hunt spiders so you might like that feature.

  16. Are you kiddin?

  17. Honestly, is this a science question??  Animals are what they are - leave them alone and they probably won't hurt you.  Even if they do, they are typically just defending themselves because they think you are a threat.... you're like 100000 times bigger than they are!  Maybe they think you are evil... if they really could think like that.

    No living thing has a "point", they just exist.  What is the point of elm trees?  Or fish?  Or you?

    "Good and evil" belongs only to humans and what you say is "evil" someone else might say is good, and vice versa.

  18. No, they are not evil. (Only humans think like that)

    However they do scare us. And they have some very disgusting habits!

    "Charles Darwin said that one of the reasons he couldn't believe in a beneficent god was the existence of something with a lifecycle quite as nasty as a parasitoid."

    P.S. Wasps get a very bad press. Other answers cover points.

  19. They're not evil. Just doing what they're programmed to do.

    Of course, I'm programmed to use a broom and a garden hose to run off the little rascals.

  20. Wasps, for the biggest part of their life aren't even seen.  If there were no wasps then there would be so many other insects around that visibility levels would actually be effected.  Wasps do a very good job, that not many people understand.  It's a shame they're such a pain in the ****.  

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