
Are we able to function individually?

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As group animals I think we cannot really function without other human beings. What do you think?




  1. Function yes , thrive no .

       Hermits can function . But what can they give the world?

  2. Yes.  If we were completely controlled by social structures and incapable of individual thinking we never would have came out of the caves.

    Progress happens when old paradigms are thrown out the window and new ones are adopted.  Yes we do confer, society exists but everthing we know and are comes for the individual.

  3. In todays culture, we're being trained that individual thought is a bad thing. The powers that be, and society in general want us to behave like dumb herd animals and be collectively led by the nose to whatver objective the powers and society dictate.  I've been around a long time, and when I see the way the masses are being brain-washed into following the herd, it makes me sick. In years past  humans were NOT herd animals.

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