
Are we all going to die?

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I have two questions:

- In the Sun paper the other day it said "We will die in 9 days" Something to do with a machine that scientist are testing for an experiment, but if they experiment it, there is a big chance the world will blow up. Why are they still going to test on it?

- Secondly, my teacher told all of us that in 5 years or over the sun is going to blow up and kill us all, is this something to do with global warming? Is it true?

I need to know, as my phobia is dieing, i couldn't stand not knowing we could blow up any minute! HELP?




  1. We are not going to all die at any moment.  The Bible says that God made the earth to "stand to time indefinite" which is forever.  He will not let humans destroy it completely.  Instead he says that soon he will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth."

    So you don't need to worry about us blowing up at any moment.

  2. Who made these people God? Life as we know it could end tomorrow.. or it could last longer then you could possibly live. So I'm just going to go ahead and live my life and not worry what these people say because they don't know.

  3. 1. The Sun is not the most reliable source for these things. The LHC will not end the world.

    The Sun ends the world every other week.

    2. Global warming on this planet will not do a thing to the sun. Its like saying a storm on Jupiter will doom us.

    Your teacher is an idiot.  

  4. The machine is called the Large Hardon Collider (LHC).  It is currently going through test stages.  It won't actually fire up until 10/21/08.  About 5,000 physicists are participating and it is not believed to be a danger to humans.  They are looking for hidden dimensions in the universe in an attempt to answer what gives something it's matter.  There are however critics who fear that black holes could be created by the machine which would end the world.  It's not the popular belief though.

    Why would the sun blow up if the Earth overheated?  The Earth's temp has no effect on the sun what so ever.  It might blow up for some other reason, but it won't be because of global warming.

  5. Hon Dont worry you are in Gods hands.  No one knows when they will die. Death is not something to fear.  

  6. click on this link it might be possible humans might become immortal

    click on this other link it might be that humans will soon live to be 1000 years old

    click on this is other link i found

    it might be possible to cure aging

  7. no, we will not blow up.

    that's a bunch of garbage that scientists and crazy thinkers are coming up with.

    the government would never test something if it has a chance of blowing up the world.

    and global warming, though a problem, is being thrown out of proportion, as it probably will only effect the weather very very slightly in your lifetime [by a degree or so]

    not to mention, Jesus will return before the end of the world, so if you're Christian and know about his love, you have absolutely nothing to worry about :)

  8. We're all gonna die eventually. That's what makes life worth living.

    So live on.  And don't worry about WHEN you MIGHT die.

    Besides... People have been "predicting" the end of the world for a while now. And they've all been wrong so far.

  9. woo! i havnt read that in the sun!! aaahh! im scared! i wouldnt have thought they would test it if there was a risk of the world blowing up *gulp* and i think i will be more like 50000 million years intill the the sun blows up!! i should think!!!!!!!!!

    hope i helped and dont worry!!!!


  10. don't pay attention to all that.

    when Jesus comes, that will be the end of our life on earth but the beginning of eternal life.

  11. your teachers an idiot...and we all gotta die sometime.

  12. 1.  The LHC is turning on in 9 days and it won't destroy the Earth.

    2.  You forgot a "billion" in there.  The sun will expand in 5 BILLION years.


  13. at one point i am sure that we all will. ignore the sun. they are as ignorant and stupid as the national enquirer. no one knows when you are going to die except for your creator. your teacher is overdramatizing. probably trying to scare you for some reason. if you are healthy there is no reason that you won't make it for another fifty years. yes honey things happen, people get in wrecks, get diseases, etc. you just have to enjoy your life. every day is a gift.

  14. The Scripture says, "It is appointed unto man once to die. After this, the judgment...." But there is a body of people alive today that will never know what it means to experience physical death! The people of the Church who are alive and raptured when the time comes will received "glorified" bodies capable of standing in the presence of God and not know what it means to die!

  15. No, in 5 years there this s thing "called blackhole" it came closer to the universe (scientist see it in outerspace) i was watching the history channel, blackholes suck us all

    The sun will blow up in a million years babe, when it dies out to a star form and it get cold and there won't be no sun action to perform on this earth, because sun helds us to live

    The sun paper is false, if scientists did that then there will be mobs and stuff and it would be broadcast on TV


    heres news for the lastest dangerous black hole babe.

  16. you are really some research and you'll learn taht A) the sun paper embellishes stories.  The chances of the experiment killing the world is almost zero.  They are doing something with a large atomic colider, there are already smaller ones doing experiements all the time.

    B) the sun still has a few hundred million years before it becomes a red giants and kills the earth...i think you'll die of something else before that happens.

    also death isn't a phobia...its a universal fear, and natural given instincts create it.

  17. Yes, we will all die someday.

    The Sun newspaper is notorious for bullsh1t. As for the actual sun exploding it will happen in 5 million years and by that time humans won't be around anymore.

  18. Messiah College?

  19. 1. No. The hadron collider that will begin operation on September 10th is feared because it will potentially create microscopic black holes. These black holes, if they appear at all, will be so small and unstable that they will collapse in on themselves within 1/1000th of a second. There is a fraction of a percentage chance (about 1 in 98 million) that one of those black holes could expand to swallow the Earth. I would not call that a "big" chance.

    2. No. Global warming is about our planet heating up, and has nothing to do with the sun itself. The sun is not likely to blow up or go through any other significant astronomic changes for at least several billion years. You and I will be long dead by then.

    That being said, everyone is going to die eventually.

  20. The Sun is a tabloid and nothing in there is really true.

    The sun will eventually blow up, but more like 5 million years from now.

    Yes, we could all potentially die at any minute, there are no certanties in this universe...only chaos.

  21. There is an almost non existent chance with the machine.Not a "big chance"I'll give you a link in a second

    Your teacher needs to be fired.There is zero possibility of the sun blowing up in your lifetime

  22. The machine is a super collider and it won't hurt anything so don't worry.

    The sun will blow up in 5 billion years, not 5 years so don't worry.

    Global warming is not a big problem for us humans. The earth has been warming for 20,000 years or so at a slow rate. Part of the natural cycle, don't sweat it.

    But yes, everybody dies sometime so enjoy life. On the plus side you're young and the life expectancy for your generation will likely be hundreds of years due to medical advancement, so take care of your health, don't drink to excess or smoke or do stupid stuff, but don't forget to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. Many people die at old ages but never really lived. Don't be one of them.

  23. Nope.  Some of us plan to stick around for at least 900 years like they used to in the Bable

    EDIT:  Actually I just read the question (admit I didn't the first time) and realized how very sad it is what these fundy wackos are doing to innocent children.  It's sick that have to resort to fear and such low tricks in order to gain followers.  There ought to be laws against that!

  24. everyone is going to die.

  25. That thing is a machine that smashes atoms together, and some people think that it may create a black hole that will squish earth into the size of a basketball. I don't think they are turning it on in 9 days, though, to be exact.

    I believe your teacher said in 5 MILLION years the sun will blow up. That is the best estimate we have to date.

    Everyone dies eventually. Pay attention in class, children.

  26. All of the us with the exception of zombies.  

  27. i don't know about the the first question

    and your teacher is telling lies

    we're all going to die but when and how, no one knows for sure

  28. The collider they are starting up isn't going to kill us.  Also, if your teacher really and truly said that the sun is going to blow up in 5 yrs you need to immediately go to your school principal and tell him or her.  That is patently false and has no scientific evidence at all.  The sun and global warming are not connected in any way.  Our actions here on earth do not effect the sun.  In 5 BILLION years the sun will explode and go super nova.  I don't think you need to worry about that.  

  29. what you really need to worry about is the second, death the first happens to everybody

  30. What Is This All About A Black Hole That Is Goin 2 Exspand And Eveyone Is Goin 2 Die x It Was On The News

  31. The Big Bang project being carried out in Europe will most likely not cause the world to end.  They are simply trying to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang in a laboratory.

    Also, the Sun will not blow up in 5 years.  That's crazy talk.  The Sun will exist for another few billion years.  

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