
Are we being Capitalized to Death?

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If the country is suposed to be run by the people who are the people that are suposed to be repersenting us? Apparently we are not being fairly represented. Every time you turn around there is another law put into affect that serves only to capitalize on the suffering of the people. Another law that favors private companies so they can raise intrest rates on credit cards to obsence levels and you have no way to fight it or get out if you have a hardship. They raise can raise car insurance rates without reason other than you may have been late on a payment and they have made it magnatory to have car insurance. They can fine you fee you to death an where have our rights gone?

Everything is geared to make money off of the people, but the wages never go up so what do they expect the people to do. So what choice do the people have? When basic health is dictated by what policy you have or lack of policy and they expect to take over have your paycheck just to get something that may or may not cover you yet it is just another leagalized scam on the people. So what choice do we have?

Could we all agree to charge our cards to the max and just not pay them. Not carry anymore car insurance or health insurance let all of them go out of bussiness. Quit working at substandard jobs. Qiut driving our cars. No I doubt we could do it because we have all have become worse than slaves we are just numbers. Where does it stop and how can we stop this total disregaurd for individuals right to be able to provide for themselves when we all have been capitalized to death?




  1. Yes!

    the minimum wage is between 5$ an hour and 8$ many employees pay 9 or 10 but with the recent inflation of the last 2 years, the same 8$ is now only worth 7$ or can be calculated as low a 5$

    capitalism to me is just as evil as any dictator! who murders a million surfs or jews.

    when un-righteous mammon seeks to control wealth it is no more free capitalism. it becomes an oligarch of oppression.

    as for credit cards debts YOU know it would be a criminal act not to pay. ONE way the government in a fascist economy and military state would be to re-start the debtors prison, where prison inmates have to work to pay off their debts. i think its coming, or would come indeed, if people did this.

  2. If I understood what you meant by 'capitalized' I might be able to answer your question.

    Your main beef seems to be (and now perhaps I understand you other question re: insurance) that you have been charged interest on your car insurance because you missed a payment.  Yeah, sorry, that's how it works.

    You signed a contract with the insurance company.  They agreed to cover you for accidents, and in return you agreed to pay at certain intervals.  They balance the risk of you getting in an accident against the value of your premiums.  If you do not pay, they have to get that money from other clients.  Is that fair to those of us who DO pay on time?  No it is not.

    If you ever get in an accident, and especially if you injure someone badly, your insurance will pay many many times as much out as you have ever paid in.  That's how insurance works. Should you, who don't even pay your bills on time apparently,  be allowed to risk MY vehicle and possibly life without insurance?  Absolutely not.

    Driving is a privilege, not a right.  To earn that privilege, you have to put up a little money to protect your fellow drivers.

    Paying your insurance on time is also a privilege, and if you abuse that privilege, the insurance company has my full support in making YOU pay higher rates, not me.

    Holding a credit card (using other people's money to buy goods and services) is also a privilege.  If you abuse THAT privilege by missing payments, then, sorry, once again they have my full support in penalizing you.

    Do you see the common thread here?  This all comes back to your own behavior.  Pay your bills, fulfill your contracts, keep your promises, and everything is good.  Fail in any of those and life gets harder.

    I still don't know what you mean by capitalized.  I assume it has something to do with capitalism, but none of this is related to capitalism, it is related to personal responsibility.



  3. Who peed in your cereal this morning?

    Maybe that was a little too crass, it sounds like you are working in a minimum wage job and have been late repeatedly on numerous payments, car insurance, medical bills, credit cards etc and want to blame someone else for your fiscal irresponsibility.

    A Capitalist society (America is a Capitalist Society) is based on the premise that if a person works hard they can be successful, a socialist society is one where people who work hard have money taken from them to pay for other people that do not.

  4. To Be honest,It will take a little time to find the answer for the question of yours.have a look at the resource here for your reference .

  5. Stop voting straight ticket and vote for people based on their record.

  6. I don't think this would be a very good idea, unless you want to join the umteen thousand homeless that are increasing in numbers by the  day.

    There is no way to get away from this.   Maybe it will get better.  But who am I fooling?  I don't even believe it!  I am afraid it is only going to get worse.  As the saying goes; You ain't seen nothin' yet!

  7. The easier way to see if we are being over capitalized is to compare your life to that of the North Koreans, Cubans, Chinese, and the former Soviets - they did not believe in capitalism.

    If you want long food lines, substandard living, poor transportation, free health care after a 6 month wait, etc - simply move there.

    I'm sure they'd let you in, because millions die trying to escape it!

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