
Are we borned bad or good?

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or we develop it through our lives?




  1. Both and the real challenge is finding the side that best suits you?

  2. Well I guess it is part of the age old debate of Nature verus Nurture.

  3. I believe people are all born genuinely good, although as we grow we absorb the environment around us.

    Basically we're born good, and society corrupts our beautiful little minds

  4. Born Bad...learn Good.

  5. Good, definately. Its our experiences as a child that develop our character.

  6. We are born with a conscience (we have special words to describe those who aren't).

    I believe that as we grow our environment can teach us to feel if things are acceptable or not and this effects our conscience and we decide what we think is right and wrong. It is this that then makes us good or bad people.

  7. Neither we just are. We choose paths that leads us to do 'good' or 'evil' things. Sometimes this is based on our backgrounds, or family beliefs. Sometimes we are pushed into choices by friends or governments and feel we have no option but to take a particular path.

    We all have the choice to be good or evil and should look at ourselves and find supports that help us stay on the 'right' path. For some that is finding God, for others it's having strong friends and family and for other's it is trusting our own hearts and living to our highest potential.

  8. OBVIOUSLY we develop it...

    the only thing we are born with is our body and mind

    our souls grow during our life and through the things we encounter

  9. We are all everything. Good or Bad is just judgement. I had a mother who was very abusive to me & I was a very shy child that learned to not depend on others. I loved innocent children & turned out to be an extremley compassonate person. Now I work as a life coach helping people with all kinds of problems. So was my mother bad? No she did what she did. I love her & do not judge her. So we are all capable of being good or bad but our soul must sometimes do things that seem to be bad. It is the petty tyrants in life that are our best teachers.

  10. When we are infants, we are innocent beings until we learn the ways of our elders. I guess it's just human nature to do wrong; we all make mistakes!

  11. Every child is born with no wrongdoings ,am not prejudiced/racist or even sexist.

    As they grow up,it the circumstances and the environment and the way their parents brought them up,shapes up the attitude and the charcteristic of a child.Slowly as the child gets exposed to the world,he begins to develop his own perception of what is good or bad for him!

    His group of friends,too, has an influence over him.

    This is what makes a person good or bad.

  12. When we are young, we might mix bad or good if someone taught us wrong.  

    But definitely that we could communicate with others what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad after more life experience accumulates.  

    We learn from others then we develop our own and share with other people about our understanding, about what we learned when we are young.

    So, we have the potential ability to develop them through our lives and we also learn them from other people.

  13. It has often been said that "good" is anything that helps others or yourself and “evil” is anything that harms others or yourself. This rather shallow viewpoint does not take into account that every act harms something, and likewise helps something. Nothing can eat without killing, nothing can be built without breaking something else, and no motion is possible without displacing something from its natural place.

    Some say that "good" is anything done out of love, and “evil” is anything done out of hate, yet “love” and “hate"“are so similar as to be nearly identical in many respects. Both love and hate are obsessive fixations on a single target, be it a person, pastime or abstract concept. The true opposite of love is apathy, a freeing of oneself from this obsessive fixation. I believe that there is evil in good, and good in evil

  14. i think we mostly all have the same oppertunity in life when we are born i think it depends on your family your enviroment and how u r raised that makes us "good" or "bad" and also some traits can be passed down though heredity from are parents grandparents and so on for instanince if your mother and father both were violent ppl u might have a tendeny to be violent at times.

  15. We are born pure. it is for our way we're raised, the environment and perspective to the world that make us good or bad.

    Based on that it is developed through our lives. but it is really sad that some people choose to be bad.

  16. First of all the question should be Are we BORN good or bad? IDK but I do know that we are BORN selfish

  17. We are all born with both good and bad qualities.  Some are  more prevalent than others.  They are fed or not depending on our environment and other chemical factors and stressors.    I think even Jeffrey Dahmer had good qualities, but the world will never know - or care because his psychopathy overshadowed all else.

  18. we are born innocent and what we become depends all on us and our environment while growing up! But as a baby and a child we are totally innocent!

  19. We are all born pure and innocent. In other words; good.  It is the environment, and or the family to which we are born into that change our "good" status over time. It is our parents that teach us how to hate, and be prejudice.  It is seeing how the people around us interact as we are you which in turn molds us to only mirror the same interactions.  

    For those who have had a wonderful upbringing, and to which this does not apply to, they suffer from a mental disorder. One that manipulates our mind, and over-powers our morality section of the brain.  Of those circumstances, it is not the person who is bad, but what their actions become to be.  With proper counsling, medication and an organized lifestyle accomidating such illness, a person capable of criminal and horrible acts can overcome urges and stand strong due to his choices in life. For without those outlets, (counsling, medication & lifestyle accomidations) the illness is a ticking time bomb overtaking their brain, out-ruling all conscienceness.

  20. That's the big question. Nature versus nurture, physiology versus psychology. Most people tend to think that it's developed in upbringing, but there are some that think that behaviour and temperament are embedded in people in the womb. But no one knows for sure.

    Good or bad is a very debatable discussion itself. Everyone has a different idea of morality. I think this is nurture. You decide what is good or bad through life experiences. But whether you follow moral values or disregard them is the issue.

  21. What is good and what is bad?  If a lion or tiger kill for food does it mean they are bad?  The answer is no, because it is what is natural for them.  If we kill for food does that make us bad? Not necessarily, because we kill to nourish our body which is the vessel of our conscious self.   To be conscious is to respect all sentient beings that is why we have to transcend to not kill sentient being unless provoked.

    Baby's are born innocent but not absolute innocence.  They are not bad nor good they are just being normal.  When the baby becomes conscious with his existence then he should discern on his own what is good or bad.  They are not absolute innocent because the conscious mind is ever aware, at baby's state it is suppressed for awhile until such time he could be old enough to be aware and continue his journey towards Buddhahood.

  22. we r born innocent and pure.and what becomes of us depends upon the environment in which we r brought up...

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