
Are we related to each other?

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My great grandfathers brother was married to my girlfriends great aunt.




  1. No.  Your cousins are related, but you aren't, really.

    If your great grandfather was married to your girlfriend's great grandmother, then you would be 3rd cousins.  But since this is brothers and aunts, not parents... you are so distant, it isn't even worth worrying about.

  2. Yes, related, but in two ways. You're related by marraige and somewhat distantly.

    I'm no expert, but that would make you and your girlfriend....distant cousins I believe.

    I can't remember for sure, it's my mom that does the genealogy stuff, not me, but you're somewhere in that area.

  3. Yes you would be through marriage, no blood line though.

  4. Not by blood. Its fine.

  5. in a very distant way. you'd be like 4th cousins or something. far enough apart bloodline wise that you could date, marry and have children.

  6. No your not..maybe somehow inlaws but NO your NOT by blood thats all that matters..Im engaged to my nephews brother lol I know I know its his brother on his dad side and Im not related to his dad..

  7. you are only related through marriage-

    but its still very weird-

    and if i were you i'd find another girlfriend-

    imagine if you had kids and the stories you'd tell them when they find out about all of those in family marriages-

    its just weird-

  8. your something like 6th cousind removed or somthing, i dnt think it counts

  9. yes. but very distantly.  

  10. You're kind of like cousins.

  11. I believe so you should check it out.

  12. My Grandfather's Father, married my Grandmother's Mother after his first wife died. I think that I'm my own distant cousin by marriage!!:) But you are distantly related to your g/f, and only by marriage.

  13. Yes. And I'm my own grandfather:)

  14. i think so.

  15. only related by marriage.  so it's like to twin brothers dating two twin sisters doesn't matter.

  16. Cousins, twice removed

  17. i think soo??

  18. yes u are wow thats very rare

  19. dont worry about relations unless you are going to have kids.then see your doctor

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