
Are we technically a Homo Erectus?

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Since we do walk upright. Also Homo Habilius since many if not all of us have habits.




  1. Anything other than human in the bipedal stage is Ape.

    IE. There are no Proto men or women, there are only Human beings. Homo sapien sapien is just a name that Anthropologists use to differentiate us from Apes, the same way that homosexuals are differentiated.

  2. homo erectus

  3. no

  4. No we are a distinct species and have evolved on from being a homo erectus as did the Neanderthals who also walked up right

  5. hey man, i'm not homo

  6. New DNA studies have suggested that like the Neanderthal, Homo Erectus was a dead end line and not related to modern humans.

  7. Uh, no.

    Homo sapiens is what we are. (Or I am, at any rate. I can't vouch for you.) Erect posture and handy hands are part of that description.

    Homo erectus is the name given to distinguish us from a previous hominid ancestor, who had the erect posture but lacked many of our other features. Same goes for H. habilis, to distinguish those creatures from H. erectus or H. sapiens.

    If you were to meet Erectus or Habilis, you definitely wouldn't mistake them for a modern human in the least.

  8. We basically have Homo erectus bodies, but with slightly different shaped skulls...

    Homo erectus had the hyoid bone in their throats, which enabled them to speak, as we do...

    It helped them to communicate as to how to control fire, and coordinate their tactics during hunts for meat...

    Homo hablis, at 2.4 million years ago was vegetarian, and had no hyoid bone. So, somewhere between 2 million & 1.8 million years ago, through natural selection, either Homo ergaster,and/or Homo erectus developed this speaking apparatus, which departed from Homo hablis (who was only about 4' tall), and shortly after, Homo hablis became extinct, while Homo erectus continued its development, ultimately resulting in the appearance of the true Homo sapiens, as we know of today...

    The introducrion of a meat diet allowed the Erectus to grow much larger, resembling modern-man. Some skeletal specimens of Erectus, measure close to 6' tall...

  9. i definently dont get ercet from homos!

  10. Homo habilis (handy man) was a name given to a fossil to distinguish it from us Homo sapiens (wise man).  Homo erectus is also a separate species.  They could have chosen that species name for us but sapiens was already chosen.

  11. If we could mate with Home Erectus and produce fertile offspring then we are still a sub species of Erectus?

    Find a Homo erectus to experiment with or some Erectus DNA to test then we'll know for sure?

  12. The label Homo habilis means "Handy man." He is reported to be the first known species of the genus Homo. (humans) to use tools. The brain is larger the Australopithecus, 650-800cc compared to 500cc, the arms shorter, and hip bones that facilitated bipedal walking. Body size was reduced from boisei and robustis, back to between four and five feet. Weight is put at 110 pounds. The species is dated at 2.5 to 1.5 million years ago. Habilis was a throw back in that the head had not changed with the rest of the body. It still retained the brow ridges, jaws and nose of the Australopithecus. In fact, some discoveries were so labeled.

    Tools found with handy man are pebble tools, very simple and basic. However, they are also very effective. They play a large role in making him a predator. Chimps spend some 50% of their time searching for insects and insects are only 4% of the chimps diet! The reason is the amount of protein the insects contain. Handy man, as a predator, would eat better, and have to work less to obtain enough food.

    The original stone tools, are called pebble tools, or Olduvai choppers. They were made out of volcanic basalt, granite or any of the local rock. You take a pebble the size of your hand and bash on it. As the flakes fly off, you turn it and create a sharp edge. This creates a tools useful as a chopper, knife, or digger.

    One issue about the early tools centers on just how much the brain size effected coordination. The pebble tools often appear crude and could easily be improved on. However, they may have been the best that Handy Man could make.

    Today you can make stone tools out of basalt, greenstone, and quartzite. These stone types produce strong, long wearing tools but are very difficult to make. However they are suited for axes and pounding.

    The most common tool, the one used the longest, is the hand ax. This is a pear shaped tool of stone that can be used for many tasks. In fact, starting with Homo erectus, the tool of this design has been in use for over a million years.

    Handy man falls between Australopithecus and Homo erectus when the human lineage is considered.

    Homo erectus "Upright Man") was the first hominid to leave Africa. His existence dates from 1.6 million years ago to perhaps 200,000 years ago. However, recent discovers have suggested that isolated populations may have existed even later. Brain size is put at 850cc, height up to 6 feet and weight was comparable to modern humans.

    Early discoveries of Homo Eretus remains were variously named Peking Man, Java Man and Heidelberg Man. His range was all of Africa, most of Europe and as far east as China. Sites in California have been suggested as containing Homo erectus finds. No one had satisfactorily explained how the vast distance from China to California was crossed. Recently a small sample the population of China was tested to determine their DNA. The theory tested was that man developed in Africa, spread out and then further developed in China. What was found suggested that waves of hominids came out of Africa, each developed the race further. The idea how having man develop in several regions and not just Africa has supporters as does the "out of Africa" theory.

    Then came Homo sapiens "Man who thinks" The archaic form is dated between 500,000 and 150,000 years ago. Brain size is about 1200cc. The species shows strong links and the characteristic of Homo erectus.

    We're Homo sapiens sapiens Modern man. The first know group appears some 40,000 years ago during the Neolithic period. However, new finds are pushing that date back.

  13. NO!

  14. Technically, we somehow WOULD be Homo Erectus but more specifically, we're Home sapiens sapiens

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