
Are women more precious than men?

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I was just thinking that because only men are drafted for wars and women get off a sinking ship first. What do you think?




  1. what else can you expect from a female chauvinst, sexist, anti-men society?

  2. everyone is equally precious in god's eyes.

    but the reason the men are drafted and women get off the sinking ship first is because men are supposedly tougher and could have a better chance of survival in war or on the sinking ship.

  3. No, especially if I'm on the ship

  4. Most feminists think women should be drafted too.

    And when's the last time a ship sank and someone called for "women and children first"?

    GWS Misogyny 101: Inventing insults that aren't there.

  5. Depends on the country-whether women are protected by their society more than men. Women can be drafted in some countries but in the US a sexist Congress is holding back women from the draft and open combat positions-not the Executive branch or the Supreme Court. Write to your congress person lately?

    As far as sinking ships go-when was the last time you were on a sinking ship? Things have changed a bit since the Titanic sank. Ships rarely sink and as cruise ships are required to provide more life jackets than passengers-no sexist heroics are needed:

  6. I think they are just being gentlemen!!!

  7. ALL humans are precious.  And, "women and children first" evacuation orders no longer exist.  Ship evacuation procedures today are highly computer modeled science that seeks outcomes only of saving everyone.  The only reason why there was a "woman and children first" mentality a hundred years ago is because in all patriarchal societies women are required to deform or cripple themselves in some way to meet male social sexual fetishes of what is "attractive" or "feminine".  Before women had rights, men basically enslaved women to only two "choices", marriage or prostitution.  Women were thus pressured into those crippling deformities.  At the time the Titanic sunk, for example, women had so crippled themselves with corsets they could not even get in and out of a carriage (ahhh, the sweet days of "chivalry" lol) without assistance and few learned how to swim due to patriarchal rules related to burka-like, too heavy, cumbersome cover-up so-called "bathing suits".  Some tribes of humans required women to deform and elongate their necks to the point of needing help to move about.  And, in ancient China, women so crippled themselves for their meal-tickets with foot bounding that they no longer could walk.  Thanks to feminism, women, too, are now "precious" enough to have rights and no longer need to cripple themselves to get a meal-ticket or to be considered "precious".

  8. No, it's chauvinism.

  9. So far in the history of humankind women were considered important mainly because they were so very essential to producing babies. They were important and central to the concept of advancement of races. Hence, they were always given more importance and extra care and protection at the cost of sacrificing males.

    The next step in evolution which would change this would be to come up with alternate sources of reproduction. Once we have them in place, men will start getting treated equal to women. Till then be at the mercy of ....

  10. equal rights when it suits them...

  11. No women = no kids.Plus they are less physically strong.

  12. nowadays yes.

  13. perhaps they are... because they can bear children.

    if we are going to analyze emergency situations like your sinking ship scenario, taking the passengers as the whole mankind.. we (the human race) have a better chance of survival by saving 90% women and 10% men.. unlike if the figures were reversed.

  14. Yes, men are seen as more dispensable, which is because women have babies and are less physically strong.

  15. girls are sugar n spice n everything nice

    boys are snakes n snails n puppy dog tails

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