
Are you a good tipper?

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If you went out and your tab was a hundred bucks what would you tip if the service was great? I'm just wondering what a good percentage is these days.




  1. $20.00 or $25.00 I usually shoot for 20-25%.

    Bad service and a resturant not staffed enough is two different things to me.  Bad service is on the waitress and lack of staff isnt her fault so in that case I tip her well for her effort to please everybody in a timely manner.  and bad service.....well it just depends on how bad.

  2. If the service was great....I would tip 30 - a minimum if the service was good I would leave 20 -30%,  if the service was just good 15%.

  3. i usually leave 20%. i always go with friends and they are such cheap ****s so i gotta tip lol.

  4. 20-25% for good-great service...

    for disappointing-okay service, 10-15%...

    for extraordinarily awful service, $1 or $2 per person at the table.

    I usually tip 20%.

  5. $20 for mediocre service and probably $35 for spectacular service.  I tend bar and wait tables in a very small town in Kansas and people around here tend to think 10% is good.  What a bunch of morons!  I've had $80 food tabs with people and their messy, demanding, annoying kids only tipping a crappy $5 even for excellent service.  The most difficult part of waiting tables is dealing with the idiots.  I always hate the excuse that "everyone's on a budget".  Well if you can't afford to include the tip in your budget then stay the f**k home and eat Ramen Noodles.  Anyway, I digress.......

  6. I normally tip between 20-25%.  The normal tip is between 15-20% but I give a little more because they're doing a job that I wouldn't want to do and a lot of them count on that money to  survive financially.  If the service is absolutely terrible and I know for certain it's the waiter's fault, I will give 15%, never anything less.  We all have bad days.

  7. if my order was a $100

    i'd leave a $25 tip

  8. Yes, I am I normally give 20% for good service.  Less if not so good.

  9. If my tab was $100 and the service was great I would leave $35. I have been a server before and now I tip really well if the service is there.

  10. I don't tip.

    The employer should pay the employee's wages, not me.  Nobody ever gave me a tip for ringing up their groceries, or to stock their shelves.

    I'd rather the restaurant just upped it's prices by 10% and paid their people...

    And no, I don't feel bad about not tipping...I'm not the one that chose to take a job making less than minimum wage...

  11. A normal percentage is 15%

    A great Tip would be 20%

    I dont really have an exact tip amount. It really all depends on my service. The last restaraunt I went to our server forgot about us as she was flirting with a table full of guys for 15 minutes. We didn't have drinks our entire meal. She even insisted not to write our order down and then when someone else brought it out it was wrong. Uggh. Safe to say she didn't recieve a tip at all. Whenever we go to OutBack Steakhouse we tip well. Even when they're crazy busy you can tell the servers are trying their best

  12. Probably $20, possibly $25 depending on the service and food.  I was a server for 3 years so now I always tip really well because I know how tough it is!

  13. I would give 20 percent.

  14. cant go wrong with 10%

  15. i would tip 20 bucks if the service was really good, norm is 15%

  16. I always tip 20 less if the service was bad

  17. i usally tip more on the service than the amount of the bill.

    i've tipped $5 on a $10 order, but the service was super.

    i don't tip much if the're crabby.

  18. i would probly give 10 dollars
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