
Are you a human?

by  |  earlier

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or not




  1.; When I was about seven, I used to tell kids I was from another planet just to see their reactions.

  2. Sometimes I feel certain that I'm one of the last.

  3. Nope.

    Time lady here.

  4. hue = a color

    man = a male person.

    Yep. I add up to that.

  5. no of course I'm not human what a silly question

  6. kaveman

  7. Thats a really DEEP questions. I'm sorry- to deep for even me. I really don't know.

  8. According to most people who get to know me, NO.

    I have the basic physical form that is common within the human species, but I have been told over and over again that I must be a Dwarf.

    I have made plans, and built a house entirely underground, and in stone... I am enthralled with steel weaponry, I am short, stout, and a bit gruff when it comes to things I do not wish to do.

    And then there are what people call my dreams... In these dreams, I have managed to rule entire colonies, and set in motion major improvements within these worlds.

    Human.... in appearance. But then again, that too may be just an illusion...

  9. yes i am a member of homo sapiens. i am human!

  10. nope


    *But don't tell anyone, you'll blow my cover*

  11. Genetically yes. But when I see how many nasty people behave in this world I wish that I wasn't.

  12. I hope not.....for my sake!

  13. i am...a human

  14. I would define myself as human but whether or not some people warrant the right to be called a person with rights is another thing entirely.

  15. just like Clark Kent...GO SMALLVILLE!!!

  16. Dear sweet one .. far as i know i was born human..

  17. nope, call me rover
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