
Are you a monarchist???

by  |  earlier

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Personally, I'd love to see them ousted... Oliver Cromwell had the right idea, but was not the right man for the job!!!

Time to desolved the monachies and stop paying taxes to them???




  1. No but I'm not sure what I'd like to see as the alternative.

  2. No I'm Australian and look forward to our country becoming a Republic.

  3. chyeah

    I love *Monarchy*

  4. Here!  Here!   Michael/5  Bravo!   Long Live the Queen.

  5. Yes I am. Two reasons.

    1. Someone has to be the titular head of the country; someone has to represent the country abroad and host heads of state visiting us. Most republics have a president and it costs money. Our monarchy brings in millions of tourists every year who pay good money to goof around where monarchy is. Just ask any tourist why they have come.

    So the financial argument just doesn't stand up.

    Just think of the hoo hah surrounding Princess Di. Basically, she was just another pretty woman in a world full of pretty women. By becoming a Princess she transcended that. It would be difficult to say that the world was not interested. That puts the UK on the map and brings in Jobs.

    The Queen doesn't rule over anyone in the "I'm the boss and you are my servants" way of the past. She is rich, but better that than poor - have a look at some of the monarchs in European countries. She provides continuity and stability in an uncertain world.

    2. Even if you can't get your head around the monarchy and future King Charles in particular, would you really like an elected President. Would you really like someone like George Bush, or maybe, Mick Martin, our house of Commons Speaker, as President.

    For a moment, think about how the President would be chosen. I suggest very like the Mayor of London. The political parties would chose their candidate and that would be that.

    Theoretically, anyone could run but, as in the US, they would need to have money to pay for the campaign. Great. So now we would have the choice of an ex-politician , who would meddle in the affairs of state, or a millionaire.

    No thank you. When you look at the alternative the present Monarchy will do me just fine!

  6. No I'm an Australian who belives the Monarch shouldn't have anything to do with ruling us we are not British anymore, we are no longer settlers from 200 years or more NO I'm not mate....

  7. I love the King!

  8. Absolutely not. I'm English and would love to see them go after the Queen dies.

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