
Are you a perfectionist ?

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Do you try too hard to be perfect or loose patience with other people because you want them to improve themselves ?




  1. I do try too hard sometimes to make things perfect.

    However, this has many downsides, because I often end up worrying about things if they're not exactly right.

    There is a name for it: OCD-I don't think I have it though.

    Hope this helps! :)

  2. YES! Sometimes I hate that about myself =/

  3. Well I could honestly say a Big Yes,  but don't try to hard to be a perfect as I possible can, with me it seems to come more natural, then others, and I do try and change others for the better, (though don't lose Patience, just keep plugging away, until they seem to be making some progress), but some / most people just don't like to be so well organized, that just can't handle it, bringing order to their  chaos...

    I don't think there's nothing wrong with being in a state of being near, to near Perfect, everything in it's place, a place for everything,  things being in a certain order / right order, just being ever so well organized...

  4. I have finally resigned myself that I am not a perfectionist, nor will I ever be. I just try to be the best I can be. Humans make mistakes, it's a part of life and it's the only way you really learn.

  5. im a perfectionist with things that i deeply care about.

  6. most of the time the perfectionist is the one to mess it up first.


    I try to improve other people, if they don't improve themselves.

  8. I try to be with many things, such as cooking.  By the way it's "lose" patience, not "loose".  I just want you to improve yourself!

  9. Yes I have. I especially have it with English. I can rip up to as many as a 100 pieces of paper just to get the "perfect" poem, essay or review, yet I still wouldn't be satisfied. I do p**s people off next to me with my Perfectionist-orientated acts.  

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