
Are you a veggie for life?

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Are you a veggie for life?




  1. Yes

  2. I was veg for 1.5years and vegan for the last few months. I will never ever eat meat again. Vegan 4 eva.

    Wow that's amazing 13 years!! Kudos to you fluffy ;)

  3. No.I love meat.Yummy

    But if u truly are a veggie for life, then u wont eat cookies-since its made out of milk-from cows.

    ETC.but if u are a true vegg u will NOT eat cookies.

  4. For me, hopefully. It was a natural transition anyway since I never cared for the taste of meat even as a child. To go back to eating meat is frankly not logical for me at this point.

    I dont think anyone plans to fail. If someone chooses not to become a veggie anymore, nobody can really judge them one way or the other. They have their reasons and even if I may not partcularly agree with them, I have to respect their choices.

  5. i am a Vegertarian and will be a  Vegertarian 4 the rest of my life i will never eat meat if you payed me all the money in the WHOLE WORLD !!!!!

  6. I don't think I could ever face deliberately eating something that has come about from the death of an animal again so yes I think I'll be a veggie for life. On the other you can't predict the future so you can never say for certain.

  7. No!  I love animals. But we humans are NOT vegetarians by nature. Animals should be killed just for eating them and in an Immediate way, without making'em suffer!

    Vegetarians by choice should reconsider !

    You can NOT be totally healthy without meat proteins, etc!


  8. Yes! I'll never look back!

    I think a weed is giving thumbs down. LOL! ;)

  9. I am a non-vegetarian (for life) !!

  10. I feel awful - I'm newly veggie. The other night I went to my boyfriends dads and his wife made us fish cakes and then the next day I was so hungry in town that I ate a cheese and ham slice (I wanted cheese and onion but they didn't have it).

    I'm a complete hypocrite... But all that aside... Yes I believe I will be a veggie for life... Eventually

  11. Absolutely!!! Ive been veggie for appox 13 years, and could never ever go back to eating meat or fish!  I love my diet of veggie/vegan food, and feel so much better! :) x

    Must be a angry wild cabbage giving thumbs down.

  12. I am 34 and born veggie, inherited from parents. My entire family is veggie. I will remain like that.

  13. I love this phrase because it's sort of a double entendre.

    I will be vegan for the rest of my life.

    I am vegan for the benefit of animal life.

  14. I probably will be because even though I do love animals we are and always have been meat eaters, I just don`t like the taste of red meat and I am going off white meat too, for people who are vegetarians because they don`t like the thought of animals being slaughtered for meat they should remember that is what they are bred for

  15. why would someone become a vegetarian if they didn't expect to do it for life?

    weight loss i guess? i dunno.

    yes, i intend to be a vegetarian for life, and hopefully my children will be too =).   that is a combined 285 animal lives per year, right? something like that.

    FLUFFYCAT: angry wild cabbage?!  LOL!!! that made me laugh =)

  16. Yep. ;)


    Turned me off meat for life.

  17. Does anyone actually become a veggie imagining that they'll just go back to eating meat one day?  Like getting married, how many people imagine it's not for life?

  18. I'm new to this so like every other aspect of my life I take it day by day.

  19. Yep! I always say, if you haven't committed to it for life you aren't really a vegetarian or vegan, you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

  20. YES, I dont ever want to go back to eating meat.

    I've been one since November 06!

  21. yes but that is because i was born one.

    my mother was one sence age 3 and myself still am by chooice never desired to be otherwise.

    vegetarian is a choice of life with principles to be guided by but that is as far as I go with that.

  22. This brings to mind my mother saying to me the tired phrase: "If you were on a desert island, you'd eat meat".

    Precisely the point. Most of us don't live on desert islands. You'd probably eat just about anything if you were truly starving: people have eaten other people in those circumstances.

    But eating meat in our society now isn't great, for many reasons. I wouldn't make a lifelong commitment, because I don't know what might happen if starvation is threatened. But while I feasibly can stay veggie, I definitely will.

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