
Are you afraid to fly?

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I always was a little afraid but this last flight we took really scared me. We went through a storm and the turbulence was awful. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Very scary!! I will have to workup the nerve to fly again. I don't know how flight attendants fly everyday. They are very brave.




  1. No, I'm not afraid.  I just hate the whole rigamarole you have to go through before getting on a plane.  I also hate how now the airlines are nickel and diming people half to death with charges for everything they can think of.

    If there's bad turbulence, I usually get queasy, not scared.  I also do best when I'm near the front of the plane.

  2. I'm not afraid to fly because of turbulence and storms. I'm more afraid of getting into a plane crash in the runway or landing in the airport! JFK is insane one plane I was on almost hit the wing of another it is so disorganized there.

  3. yeah i am afriad the plane with have engine failure and crash land and burst into flames on the ground and it will be horrible.. i saw this on the disc channel.

  4. no not at all i would love to feel free!

  5. I was not untill 9/11 the sight of the planes going into the buildings was just to much for me but i guess it's something you have to overcome if you want to discover the world.

  6. Nope, I'm not afraid to fly.

  7. I'm more afraid of what I would have to pay to fly nowadays!

  8. I am absolutly petrfied but i love to travel force myself to do it. take off is the worst, ever trip i am convinced i am going to die and make peace with myself.

    i find having a little mantra helps and for the past few years i sing spider pig (off the simpsons movie) to myself as it makes me laugh...

    my last trip away with friends i had 10 people singing it out loud on the plane to many strange looks!

  9. You would not get me on one with all the problems with the planes and the safety no way and in a storm anything can go wrong its just too much

  10. Nope.  I love flying!

  11. Yeah, going through a strom can be real bad! I hate it! The ride becomes bumpy, and I tried watching T.V. to get my mind off it, but they got turned off after five mins! Apparently, when the plane needs more power, they turn off the T.V. and as many lights as possible. So I had to go to the loo in the dark! The strom was minor then, but it got worse when I was in the bathroom, and the seatbelt sign got turned on! The lights went off for extra power, and I couldn't get out! The hotesses were banging on the door! It was a posh plane, and there were buttons instead of locks! I pressed the emergency button, and the door flew open and broke a hostesses nose! Opps! I'll never go on those planes again! Virgin are way better!!!

  12. hi you

    flying is the safest way and form of travail there is in all the world and just remember the pilots flying the plane and the flight attendants do this as they job and they would not put there lives at risk as they have family and friends that they love and who love them to go home to as well you i know it can get bumpier from time to time but there is nothing to be worried about i have a fear of highs and i love flying and i would fly on a plane 24/7 for you

  13. I'm not afraid to fly, I believe that flying is illogical. We were not born with wings for a reason. The only thing keeping you in the air is thrust and berniolis theory wing design. I know the statistics show that there is an extremly small chance of dieing in a plane crash, but the statistic I want to know is what happens when something goes wrong. What is the statistic now, 3 to 1? Yes, we all have a MUCH MUCH greater chance of dieing in a car accident than in a plane, BUT if ANYTHING goes wrong in my car, which is less likely actually because there are thousands more compents in a plane, then I can just pull over and call someone. You cant do that in a plane. So there, that is why flying is illogical.

  14. I always seem to have some anxiety when flying....   I think it is normal

  15. I'm not afraid to fly, but I certainly am afraid of falling OUT of the sky.  Yeah, getting into a plane does make me nervous, and I, too, went through the storm thing...NOT FUN!!!  

    No, the thing that has made things more difficult for me, though, is 9/11, and all the fear of terrorism, since these kooks have figured out that this is a great way to scare people.  I HAVE flown since then, but not terribly much, and with gas prices rising, and ticket prices rising, I think we'll all find ourselves travelling less, and staying closer to home more.

  16. if i was you in that position  i would be scared too

    but we all have to face our fears

    and by this i mean

    try it one more time and see how you will have  a wonderful time

    it shouldnt happen again

    just try

    the flight attendants must be used to it

  17. Nope im not afraid of flying, you shouldnt be scared the chance of people dying on a plane is very low, you would have more luck winning the lottery than having a plane crash.

  18. I am not afraid to fly.  I love flying as it means that I am on my way to a fun place:) I have experienced bad flights too, but remember that flying is safer than driving.

  19. Well, I can't really help you.  From what I've been reading about airlines, I trust the airplane itself before I trust the attendants!

  20. I agree wholeheartedly with you.....I am terrified of flying.

  21. No.  But it's no fun anymore - like taking a bus in terms of travel experience.

  22. no

  23. Yea, I don't like flying, it's mainly the thought beforehand of flying. When i'm on the aircraft and in the air i'm fine.

  24. nope
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