
Are you an eccentric?

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What defines an eccentric person? How do you KNOW if you are eccentric? Is it contingent upon someone telling you so?

Are people reluctant to tell their friends if they are eccentric? Why? Is this a faux pas?

Is "eccentric" a pejorative term?




  1. What is wrong with eccentricity? Does being original seem strange? After all, we are all different. I think some people are comfortable within themselves and are not afraid to be who they are. You don't have to be told you are eccentric to know you are. You know because of how people will treat you.

  2. There are varying degrees of eccentricity.  Howard Hughes was said to be eccentric.  Actually, he was deranged.

    Most eccentrics simply do not want to be sheep and follow along the lemming path; they march to the beat of a different drummer.

    I have happily enjoyed my eccentricities for 66 years. If you are eccentric, you discover this when you are in elementary school, as other little girls are playing house, and you are busy on a science project, or practicing writing backwards.

    People never have to tell their friends they are eccentric, friends already know and are probably friends with you because you ARE eccentric.

    Being eccentric is not derogatory, it is like being artistic or musical.

  3. eccentricism is directly related to ones social standing. only wealthy people are afforded eccentricism. middle class folk are odd. the poor are just plain crazy.
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