
Are you complacent towards terrorism?

by Guest59323  |  earlier

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This is a question for all to answer. This is part of a research study, and answering would help much.




  1. Ahh, terror is in the eye of the beholder. Hitler thought that he was cleansing the world of those not fit to live. The USA thinks they are cleaning the world of those who wish to harm them, but are they the true evil? What if by bombing the twin towers they killed someone whose descendant would have exterminated the human race from some virus they created? Or what if by rescuing a baby from a fire that child grows up to become a serial killer? As you see nothign is "good" or "evil" it just is, what it is.

  2. Maybe people are getting more complacent about terrorism because it is so much more part of our lives today than before.  We hear of terrorism almost everyday, as compared to before when just a small act of terrorism causes such a big commotion.

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