
Are you for or against...?

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Wisconsin getting rid of virtual schools...?

Apparently they say that "virual schools are getting id of regular school funding."

but online schools are regular schools, too!

Grades are better!

At the one I go to, its pratically impossible to fail!

So, I am against. You?

**Made out of partial boredom**




  1. They charge for courses.  It seems they are probably going to stop having local districts pay your way, but it will probalby still be available on a private, paid basis.

  2. it grades are better i for it

  3. i am against....and i have no idea where DHC gets her info from? is each person to their own, you do not need a reason to homeschool that needs justifying? 25, my son is 7 and is homeschooled...and is at a level of that of a 9 year old, he has heaps of friends and is well balanced and happy....please keep quiet about things that your not educated on.

  4. so what you are saying is that the grades are better and that it is practically impossible to fail...  with that being said, it may be practically impossible to fail because the curriculum is too easy and doesn't require as much effort as "regular" school.....  I personally am against home schooling as a whole and believe there are few circumstances that actually justify the reason of home schooling.  I think that there should be stricter regulations on home schooling as a whole.  Therefore, to answer the question of whether or not I think Wisconsin should stop funding virtual schools... Yes, I do think that Wisconsin is heading in the right direction.  I feel that there are families who homeschool for the wrong reasons.

  5. When it comes to situations where government entities step in and interfere with the way we can raise our children and infrige upon our rights to educate our children the way we see fit by eliminating choices in education, I am against it.

  6. Against....

    No form of education, home schooling, private, private religious, independent study programs, alternative, trade schools, charter, virtual, boarding, or public should be eliminated from the choices available to parents.

    On the other hand I believe none, not a one, should be funded with any federal, or state money (taxes).

    A fee for service, tuition, or at least partial tuition with possible private/business scholarships should be paid for by those students, and their families that want to attend such institutions; just like a college.

    Even federal grants should be replaced with private grants, scholarships, and loans.

    Home schooling is already completely funded/paid for by the parents, home school families do not even receive, or ask for a tax credit, and that is how it should be.

    Want to see education improve for the better?Make people pay directly; write that check each month, and see them get involved to make sure that they get their moneys worth....

  7. Well, noting stops non-traditional schoolers from using a national online school program. You have to pay for them, but that just means it isn't PUBLIC SCHOOL and the government has less control over the education you recieve. They can't hold you back with standards that are set too low or make you use a cookie-cutter curriculum that's filled with senseless busy work, teaches you nothing but how to memorize and regurgitate (not how to LEARN and THINK), and leaves no room for tailoring to a child's needs and interests. I do think everyone should have options, but I for one don't see much point in Public School at Home. Homeschooling all the way!

  8. I'm against it too.

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