
Are you guilty of this?

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After many years of driving to work I am still amazed by the number of drivers who over take my car only to position themselves right in front of me. I assume this is to show off how fast they can go cause 9 times out of 10 they still have to stop at the traffic lights on red when I do.




  1. In my experience, the drivers who do this are usually young males - it's a boy thing, I always tell myself.

    It could be that I drive, low-slung, white sporty thingy with a removable hard-top, and the boys are trying to make a statement (not sure what it is though!)

  2. No I am not as I do not have a car or a driving licence yet.

    Yeah it proberbly is to show off if they have a sports car. I find that annoying when I am on the bus going to college and really slow driver's.

  3. I see this all the time, I'm a lorry driver so  legally limited to 40mph on single carriage roads.

    only 2 weeks ago whilst travelling  north towards stowe on the A429  with a convoy of about five cars behind  me

    a guy in a VW overtook all five cars and my lorry on a blind bend he must have thought he was really clever,

    only five minutes later  i saw the same car had colided with a car on the opposite side of the road and was in a ditch  on its roof

    only one word for these people ..... TW@S !!!

    te overtaker meets the undertaker sooner

  4. they get caught up in the same traffic ahead that you do, otherwise they would be far ahead.

  5. The only time I really drove like a mad woman was because a little old man had flagged me down after hutting through his thumb into his hand.  No signal on the phone and I got him there in time.  Sorry to all those who thought I was late getting home for some stupid TV programme and all that (which means in future maybe it is better just to let the idiot through).  It is true, he is now a proud owner of half a maccano set in his hand.  Bless 'im.

  6. No, no, no. I dont over take unless I need to otherwise whats the point?! It is extreamly annoying though!

  7. yeah  lol. I just laugh at them. Everybody seems so aggressive on the roads these days, Whats the point? like you say, it doesnt get you any further forward x

  8. Sadly, to many drivers, day to day trips are treated as if they are competitions.  To them, even gaining one car length is a victory, and, they congratulate themselves on their driving prowess.

    Even if they make the green light you might miss, there are still, likely, a LOT of other traffic signals.  If their starting and destination points are near yours, the time gained, if ANY, is usually measured in seconds.  Even driving at excessive speeds makes little difference on city streets.

    To my observation, a habit that is even worse is someone passing, only to turn off at the NEXT intersection.  Unless you are also turning, their net gain is exactly zero.

  9. It is a sad reflection on today's society but everyone just seems to be in a hurry to get to their destination. People rush to get to work and then when it's time to leave they rush home. Why? I just don't understand it myself. Unless you have a terminal illness there is no need to rush around.

  10. no

  11. It happens to me too! I can't see the point either, best to be late in this life , that early in the next eh?

  12. Yeah I get a good laugh when someone is in such a hurry to get to a red light.

  13. Yes this happen all the time I always get in the next lane over so I  can pull along  beside of them at the light to see the silly look they will give you. While I pretend I am not paying any attention to the person.

  14. Yes. So what?

  15. No, I don`t do that, but your question made me think a little. If I have another driver behind me who is determined to overtake, I`m happy to accommodate him. I much prefer to have a driver like that in front of me than behind me.

  16. I don't do this but it really irks me when other drivers do it to me - I mean, I'm doing the speed limit, I'm not crawling along in a car belching out smoke and fumes so why feel the need to get up my exhaust pipe then hurtle past me only to have to pull in in front?!  Gah!

  17. No I am the one that is laughing at them when I get to the light and they are sitting there no farther then me......................

  18. must be kids who just got their license..

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