
Are you happy being an atheist?

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I am so so happy! It is like my mind is free and I can see the universe for what it really is.

So how has your experience been as an atheist???




  1. The same! Once you free yourself of the mind virus of religion you begin to really understand what it means to be running in the human race. You feel humble in the face of the universe and humility from science.  

  2. I'm not an atheist, but I'm generally happy.  I think being happy in general just comes from not being in conflict with your inner self regardless of what that is.

  3. The blind see and the deaf hear! Sweet, sweet freedom! You betcha I'm happy being an atheist.

  4. No.  I am more than satisfied being an agnostic.  Thanks though.

  5. im extremley happy and your exrtemely so happy that i dont have to waste my time on c**p thats not true that belongs in mythology and folklore and i love being free and not having to worry if i was a christian about being sent to supposed h**l and worring about my every action

  6. Up in ecstasy!

  7. I love being an Atheist

    it is the one true way to be free and happy..

    Despite the fact we still have a goverment and I'm still hoping for Anarchy..

  8. absolutely i'm happy.  my experience has been wonderful, and like you said, very liberating.

  9. I found that returning to atheism was not the end, but a new beginning, with a new foundation.  This foundation is much sturdier than my old one, and I've built a wonderful spirituality on top of it, without fear of the truth.

  10. So very very happy!

  11. I'm happy to be free from religion and the guilt it brings. Imagine committing a 'sin' then having to do a confessional to ask for repentance? Shoot... I'm Catholic and after the little boy scandals and I went to a confessional, I said "you first" to the priest...  

  12. I think Bertrand Russell expresses it best in "A Free Man's Worship" - one of the works that won him the Nobel Prize for literature - you should check it out if you can.

    And yes, I am very happy.  

  13. It's good though I don't really know any other however I don't see the purpose behind the fairy stories.


  14. It's great not being hobbled to all the rituals and dogma. Being able to view and question the world about us has been a fascinating experience I wouldn't change for anything...

  15. I am happy being me...  Part, not all, of what makes me, me is being an atheist...

    Some people I meet at very tolerant, others are not... Some easily accept that I may not believe as they do and that perfect acceptable,  while others do everything in their power to attempt to change me and make me conform to their beliefs...

    All in all pretty standard human experience...

  16. being an atheist is rejecting your creator who is God

  17. I am eternally glad my parents raised me as an atheist.  And am thrilled we am raising our boys the same way.

  18. Honestly, I'm very depressed because of it. We're just lucky enough to be here on this planet, which is absolutely perfect for supporting life. We've evolved and came pretty far, but in the end we will rot in the ground. There is no life after death. Our accomplishments do not matter and will eventually all of our advances as a species will be erased or forgotten.


  19. I don't call myself an atheist nor believer in any of the "god myths" so in that respect I guess I'm just an extreme skeptic.

    I don't feel up nor down but rather evenly flat I suppose and that's fine with me. I know life is never guaranteed, there are moments of joy and disappointment--I don't let things get me down like they used to, hardly ever get angry either.......

    I consider myself fortunate in many respects, I stay creative and continue to learn new things every day or at least try to.

    If the lack of sadness is considered being "happy" then I guess I qualify. I don't need drugs or fantasy to "escape" reality but rather take measures to shape my own as I am able..

    Know what I mean...

  20. Sure, I'm happy with my atheism.  I'm happy to recognize and accept reality as it really is rather than deluding myself.

  21. I'm agnostic, and I'm quite glad. A lot of Christians on Y!A seem to think that non- Christians are unhappy immoral people. I'm quite happy and I have confidence that I'm a good person. If it turns out there is a God, I know He's not going to send me to some fiery pit because I've done the best I can. And if it turns out there isn't, I won't have spent my life believing one thing without considering all the other possibilities. It's nice to be open-minded.

  22. It's a relief, that's for sure.  

  23. Depressing... I wish I could be Christian and believe in Heaven but I just can't see how such things are possible.  It sucks to think I'm going to just be bones in the ground and never see my husband again when we die.

  24. Well, no atheist here. Just a Christian. I'm not here to judge you cause God is the ultimate judge. He created the universe by the way. And you. Did you know that He knew you and who you would be even before you were formed in your mother's womb? And even though He knew the decisions you would be making, that didn't stop Him from letting you have a life in this world. He gave you that free will to choose your life because He loves you. He didn't want to force you. He is showing you His unfailing love for you. And even though you may not choose Him, He will never stop loving you. His beautiful creation. He believes that you can choose Him. He is giving you chance after chance. Don't wait till the last minute. Consider Him just this once.

  25. Very happy.  I could not imagine anything that would have made me happier.  Just to think of the alternative leaves me shivering with what might have been a poor quality of life.  I could never revert to being a christian.

    I enjoy seeing the real world, and taking responsibility for my life.

    My life, so far, has been great.  No gods required.

  26. Since I became an Atheist, Ihave never been happier.  It's fantastic.  

  27. I'm content but not ecstatic.

    One has to be delusional to be ecstatic.

    An open mind is what makes (some) human beings special.

    A closed mind is waht makes (some) human beings retards.

  28. No, I'm ecstatic. :)

  29. All God cares about is that you're a good person.  If you live a good life, God will be happy with you, and judge you favorably when you die.

    "Atheists that choose good over evil are pleasantly surprised when they die.  Religious people that choose evil over good are horribly surprised when they die."

    - Me

  30. Amen, mother-F'er.

  31. I hate it! I hate being free so much!

    Too many choices, and no "Do-Overs". If I s***w up I'm stuck with it. There's no gawd to fix my problems and make me feel all happy and superior to all the unsaved scum any more.



    Sorry. I was feeling sorry for all the Christians getting their heinies handed to them on plates round here, so I told them what they wanted to hear for a bit.

    Actually, I'm loving it. I fix my own problems. I help others with theirs. I live a rich and interesting life with rich and interesting friends and relationships.

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