
Are you happy with America?

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I think America is a great country. I feel everyone is trying to find something to cry about anymore. Some people say if this country keeps heading down the path it is going they'll move to Canada. I HAVE YET TO SEE ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE LEAVE...yet, i wish they would. But anyway, why does everyone complain when we are so lucky to be here?! Any inputs from non-cry babies?




  1. If the lazy, greedy, ignorant people who complain about America have their way, they won't have to leave...they will turn this once great nation into another pitiful socialistic failure.  And those of us who understand and appreciate the freedoms we now have will see them dwindle and become part of a glorious past.

  2. I am happy with America, but im not so happy with America that I refuse to see her flaws...

  3. "And I'm proud to be an American,

    Where at least I know I'm free..."

  4. I'd approve the use of my tax dollar to buy them all plane tickets.

  5. I am quite happy with living in the United States, and am glad I was born here.

    But just because living in this country is good for the vast majority of its citizens, doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.  The one absolute value that America has that has been under assault is the freedom to do what you want as long as you don't hurt others.  We need to back government out of our lives as much as possible.

    Just because people say that this country is heading down the wrong path (which I also believe, but I believe the pendulum swings back and forth naturally also), doesn't mean they aren't as American as you and I.  After all, if our forefathers hadn't complained about their country, our Revolution would not have taken place.  And at the beginning of it, only a small percentage of the population advocated such a radical change.  Why didn't they just leave the country?

  6. Cry Babies?????

    Thankfully I'm not a American it was once a rich country now look at it!!!!!!!

    Nor am I a Canadian

  7. most days....but I do have issues with the fact that each and every American citizen is not afforded the same equal opportunities that others have {be it their race, creed, color, s*x, religion and/or sexual orientation] = it's a shame, and it needs to stop!!

  8. It removes even the most stubborn stains and eight out of ten cat owners who expressed a preference agreed.

    Only joking, America is a vast and diverse country and when I have visted in the past I thought it was a nice country and found the people to be pleasant enough. Although as a Brit I do feel more at home in the North East of America.

  9. I think a lot of Americans are just frustrated with our country right now because we are having a tough time of it, with the economy and gas prices and all.  I agree that relatively speaking, we're still doing a LOT better than a lot of other countries out there.  But I think a lot of people are just worried that the American dream is over, so to speak, and with the rising unemployment rates and our severe economic downturn over the past decade, they are maybe worried about their own futures as American citizens.  They also probably feel swindled and manipulated by the government, since we've had to put up with a president who did not win the popular vote for eight years, and whose stand on the situation in Iraq differs greatly from many American citizens, including most members of Congress, who just want our troops to come home now.  

    Personally, I'm really happy and proud to be an American, and I will be even more so when someone we actually voted for is in office once again.

  10. i want my old america back...its to much structure....the 70s were a blast , even though the economy was a mess....

    to many no english now...

    the leaders are robbing the tax base...greed is everywhere now...

  11. It's always the celebrities that complain and slam America. But the lure of the almighty dollar always keeps them here.

    These celebrities realize that only in America do they earn the ridiculous amounts for "entertaining" us.

  12. There are some American stereotypes. For example, some people think of an American as a fat McDonalds-eating greedy person, and there are very few people like this! Most people are kind and healthy, and the people who make fun of America probably have never been here.

    We do have some problems here, but I can't think of any country where we'd be better off! The whole world is facing high gas prices, population growth, and everything else. The United States is a great place to live and those people should move instead of complaining.

  13. I'd rather live here than pretty much anywhere else in the world.

  14. Well funny you should ask a question like that.All the world is wonder full place it the people who in habit it the make it good or bad to live in it. As far as America is concerned it is a great country ,BUT BUT shame about it`s foreign policy towards the PALESTINIANS and yes global warming and why oh why do you lovely people get suckered into believing the press and president that every thing they do is good???Only and IF only you had not elected the GWB we may not be suffering from this global crisis??? Anyway how much is this so called wars costing and how much fuel is being used to impose them on people.

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