
Are you happy with your lot?

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Are you satisfied with what you have right now? Or do you always aspire to be or do greater, do you think its wrong to always want more or be better? Or do you beleive you should learn to be content with what you have?




  1. I think its not wrong. You should only learn to appreciate what you have at hand and who you are.

    But you can continue to  work for what you dream to have or be in life.

    Thanks for asking

  2. It's not a lot, but it is enough.

  3. i tend to think that being discontent with what one has, if one's life is comfortable with all basic needs being fulfilled, is a little selfish..

    my 'lot' is pretty good so far, i'm just not that happy with what i'm doing with it..

  4. We should each be content with where we are currently at and make daily positive changes if we are not happy.  Keeping this in mind, it is good to be ambitious, to want to be greater, and aspire to daily.  Ambition does not negate daily satisfaction.

  5. I don't think I have ever been "happy with my lot." Mainly because the "lot" I seem to have isn't worth having! I don't think I should rest on my laurels and be content with the rubbish I have now... I would warrant being certified!

  6. Contentment in my view will kill you!  if your not striving for something then what's the point! Hense why everyone should have goals!

    i'm very happy with my life right now but in 10 years i may not be  so it's up to me to continue to keep striving for the best of what i can do!

    Plus if you live life you learn more when you learn more you want to use it!  when you use it your doing more or wanting to be better!  

    I do think the contentment should be at some point. but it shouldn't make the main point in your life!

    stay content for a while during your growth or learning cycle... but to grow you must work and do greater and want more or you just don't grow!

  7. Yes i am happy with my lot and will always be, because i Live In The Now. I enjoy Now, I Breathe it, I Enjoy it, I Love it, I adore it, I Experience it, I Flow with it.

                                                  There is nothing wrong in aspiring for more, but don't get attached to it like crazy. If You get it, Fine and if You don't get it, Fine.

                                                 Be always contented with what you have and Love it and Enjoy it my Friend. Life is Precious, Live It Now!

  8. In some ways yes, in others no. I am a middle-aged nursing assistant, sometimes I feel very appreciated, other times not at all. I believe I am not paid what I'm worth at all. I am very happy with my boyfriend of 8 years, after 3 miserable marriages. I live alone and I love it. I love my 5 pets, they are like children to me. I guess I should be happy with what I have, but it's tough just to always have ends meet. I would like a lot more security. If I had a lot of money in a savings account, I wouldn't worry so much.

  9. I would say that I would like to be happier in this present situation. I aspire to give more love than I should. When The time comes right then maybe I will feel it so. To deserve dreams that are meant to be. In my heart, I also wish for every lonely people like me that their very own dreams will be found somewhere then sometime in life.

  10. As a Buddhist, when you go along the path and practice, you learn to be happy with whatever is. The roof keeps the snow off my head, I get to go to school full-time, I have the love of a good person and a multitude of rescued cats and dogs.

    I do not long for anything material- even before I was a Buddhist. Hey,I was a hippie! Just keep covering the old sofa with slip covers, who cares. I have a little house, but that's fine, too- less to clean.

    I am even happy with unhappiness, because I know nothing is permanent, and things will SO change. Right and wrong are just opposite words that don't mean much. I am happy because I have the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha.

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