
Are you planning to thank bushco?

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  1. I will thank him for leaving.

    To the guy above me...

    We have jobs, man. We work hard for our money. Too bad you elite snobs don't know how to help your fellow man instead of look down upon them like we're lepers. I can guarantee I work harder at my job than you do.

  2. for a job well done as compared to clinton...absolutely  the idea youd give the pelosi reid regime a pass on this is odd and chilling

  3. I never liked Bush.

  4. I don't see the president named in this story. And as much as you on the left would like to have the Government control all aspects of our national economy he doesn't have that sort of power. Oh and I would thank him for trying to do his job, unlike the previous tenant of the Oval Office.

  5. Yes, of course.

    I took my Tax Cuts and invested them.

    I invested my Raises.

    And work hard and am doing very well.

    Get a Job, Democrats, and you will thank Bush, too.

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