
Are you really my friend?

by  |  earlier

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so this kid who is my best friend, stays with kids i dont like. (he even knows i was in a big fight with them for years) at school he talks to me alot and sits with me at lunch, but then ditches me to stay with the kids i dont like. he barely answers texts and if he does they're just one word answers. when i IM him on AIM he'll sign off.

p.s-this question is being asked by my 13 yr. old cousin!

he would just like to know if this kids is someone who pretends to be his friend or just talks about him behind his back?




  1. I'd say that this guy was being two faced, move on and make new friends that can be trusted. This guy sounds like hes not worth the trouble.

  2. That is NOT a good best friend to have! He obviously either doesn't want to talk to you or wants to pretend he doesn't want to talk to you. Speak to him face-to-face and ask him what's going on. Stop talking to him-until you get the problem figured out.

  3. No, he is not his real friend. At first I was thinking "well everyone isn't gonna dislike everyone you dislike" But then as I kept reading, he's obviously avoiding him for what reason, I don't know. Kids are really really cruel these days, and I think you should just tell your cousin to leave that dude alone before something happens.

    Let the other kid come to him. Don't go to him. And when he does come to your cousin, then he can confront him about whatever.

  4. Honestly, this sounds to me like the kid wants to be your friend but cares more about being popular. Some kids in high school care more about what others think to the extent they are willing to ditch their real friends to be considered cool. I don't think this person is a good friend if he's just going to ditch you like that. You deserve better. Next time you see him, tell him how you feel and that if he is embarrassed by you, you would rather not have him be your friend. Tell him his behavior embarrasses you and that you would rather be with people who enjoy your company and are not scared to show it... Being a kid in school sucks sometimes. Good luck!!

  5. This person is clearly avoiding him and if he was a real friend he wouldn't

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