
Are you scared of.........

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michael jackson? and what's your sun/moon/rising?

idk, i'm bored as h**l. please excuse my stupid questions




  1. Hes weird and I LIKE weird! We would get along I know it.


  2. I feel sorry for him, really.


  3. Well, I can't say he freaks me out! But, he does look creepy!

  4. I love your questions, they're always so interesting! :D

    Anyways, no, I'm not afraid of him.

    Actually, I like his music!

    He does sorta look creepy though, but that's not a reason to judge someone.

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

  5. No, I am not scared, I like his songs.. I have Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemins and Virgo rising..!

  6. Nah, I'm not scared of him at all. I actually feel sorry for the man and the emotional issues that he has because of his childhood, or should I say lack of one. I do wish that he never would have went through any kind of plastic surgery though cause man he messed himself up. He looked just fine before a scalpel touched his skin.

  7. Lol no, why would I be?

    Wow, Answers is all new and fancy now....This is my first answer since the change, haha.

    Edit: I'm lovin' the new avatar, Shady.


  8. No I am not, but a lot of people are for some reason.




    Music is Life♫ You said pass it on,right?

  9. No i actually like michael jackson, wouldn't mind hanging out with him one day.

    Sun ~ Leo

    Moon ~ Taurus

    Rising ~ Leo

  10. yep he's creepy

  11. I use to live near him when he lived at neverland. He is a very nice person and does so much charity work. Yes maybe he went a bit too far with plastic surgery but he is a wonderful person and not many get to see this side of him because he really is shy. His rising sign is what people see.......I didn't watch the video.

  12. Heck no! Lol. I'd be his buddy as long as he doesn't try to do anything on me (lol). He'd probably tell me something, or teach me something interesting. Lol.

    EDIT: Lol that video is funny! I have a friend who loves watching those types of game shows and I'm going to show it to her when she arrives home. She is gonna laugh lol. It made me laugh a lot and if I were there I would've gotten whipped.


  13. Yes, be VERY afraid..! No, not unless he's in bed with! Then I'd be scared..

    I'm a Virbra! (Sept.23-part virgo,part libra).

    Virgo moon-I worry about everything under the sun!

    Scorpio Rising-I'm a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped up in an enigma.

    lol! i don't get it..

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