
Are you supposed to...?

by Guest61318  |  earlier

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when youre in a serious relationship and you start feeling like youre in love with them, arent you supposed to commit all of your feelings to a person? and put them number one above your friends? or do friends always come first?

because i tend to put my boyfriends ahead of my friends because i want the relationship to work out. i dont do that for any boy, just the one that i have really strong feelings for now. in most of my relationships, my boyfriends have been my best friend. thats how we started, i find it hard to not do that. im just confused and need some kind of advice...




  1. Ya know i am the same way......anytime i get a boyfriend that I feel is marriage material...i kick my friends to the curb...however they understand its like a woman's code type of thing...almost like you are out at a restaurant and you see a real classy hunk of a man and you say girls i'll be right back I have to take care of some business right quick. And, they are suppose to understand that for a few seconds you are leaving but you will be right back cause at the end of the day you have to take care of you. And make sure all of your desires, dreams and etc. are met  ya know.....friends are suppose to be understanding enough to know that they are there for a reason, you have to go and create a future with a special someone so that they can have a wedding party amongst other parties to look forward to....ya know........and maybe even some God children, nieces and nephews if you will.......look i have had understanding friends and not so understanding friends...but you have to decide and be careful to because when the man is gone the friends willl still be there....(that's if you didnt p**s them off too much) will get some slack like ok now that you and robert not together you wanna chill with us.....just laught it off and say you know I love you guys....just pat there backs a little eventually they will get over it....

    Final advice: Go for yours, because at the end of the day your friends are going for theirs no matter what you say...and then before you know it will be going to a bunch of weddings as the bridesmaid...feel me...


    If this is really bothering you and you want to change just a litte bit than maybe you could read up on balance and time management to better accomodate all the love ones in your life.....

    Best wishes babes, take care and God Bless!!!

    Oh and uh, I'm new so ah-rum points are greatly appreciated, thanks!

  2. boyfriends and friends can be a tough balance to keep. But neither should ALWAYS come first. One thing to make sure of though is if you make plans with your friends for example, don't break those plans to go hang with your boyfriend. And vice versa. There are exceptions to that, but generally you shouldn't break pre-made plans. Other advice I can't give at the moment. But if your friends and your boyfriend realize how hard you're trying to make both kinds of friendship work, then they'll work with you.

  3. In a serious relationship every action you make you should consider how that might effect the other person. You should be there for them when things are tough and root them on when things are going their way. Yes, you do have to make sacrifices at times.

    Now you could also use these same ideas in a friendship. The sacrifices would be that there spouse or loved one should be considered when expecting them to be there all the time.

    Friends are very important to life. I just think that at times your other half should come first and your friends should understand. I also think your other half should understand that you need time with your friends and they may need only you at times.

    Hope this made some sense.

    Take care

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