
Are you voting for Mr.McCain?????????????

by  |  earlier

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Now that he has picked a awesome person to be VP :)




  1. I cant vote, i'm fourteen.  

  2. yes

  3. No.

  4. No, I'm voting for Ron Paul, even if I have to write him in.

    Although I believe it was a good choice for VP. However, it would have been a helluva lot better choice if McCain had just picked Ron Paul for VP??? He'd get a lot more votes!  

    Oh yeah, Ron Paul's not a globalist....he actually believes in the U.S. Constitution. My bad.

  5. I'm not voting for him. No matter who his VP is.  

  6. nope

  7. No because that "awesome" person doesn't believe in abortion even for RAPE VICTIMS.  And she has a pregnant teenage daughter.  If she can't control her kid, she can't control the country.

  8. Uh-uh no way.

    There have been too many grandpas running

    this country into the ground over vendettas

    and special interests.

    It's time for some new blood, and I don't care

    if Obama is black. I don't care what McCain

    says about him being inexperienced.

    I feel McCain wouldn't do any better even if

    he has a woman for VP it will be like Bush

    for another 4 years.

    Democrats talking about voting for McCain because

    of his VP pick liked to be duped with their eyes open

    I guess.

    Also, I don't care what people say Bill Clinton was one

    of the best presidents we ever had regardless of his

    infidelities. For once we had a president with a pulse

    for the people.

    I'm tried of the dried prune stuffed suit we have in

    office now, I don't want another.

  9. No :) lol

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