
Are you willing to Boycott

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watching the Olympics, as it it lends legitimacy (& profits) to a Totalitarian criminal government !?




  1. Even better boycott breakfast cereals for the reason somtimes advertisements for The Olympics are put on cereal boxes or Olympic   athletes as well as hockey team athletes from The NHL are sometimes put on cereal boxes. As someone wrote in an opinion article thrift and to consume less is the example to follow.

    To consume less keep the same television set without cable can help.

    To rent videos or dvds as opposed to buying a dvd set for 50 dollars is better. You can rent fifty videos for that price. It is a good idea to go without cable alltogether. To rent more also cuts down on video p****y as one dollar is not a high price to pay if you have the money. To cut out rentals alltogether may be more thrifty but to pay twenty dollars for one video is less so or even 11.95 for a video.

  2. I never waste my time watching sports except for the last few minutes of each stage in the Tour de France.

  3. I am going to boycott the Olympics, tonight.  It is only because the Pittsburgh Steele rs will be on television at the same time.

  4. A boycott isn't going to bother China one bit, they could care less what people think.

  5. Isn't the idea behind the Olympics to get people together in sports despite political views in the hopes of at least a little more leeway in political views?

  6. nahh its their country let them be who they are...i mean unless u live there u shoudnt get involved seriously we dont need more problems now

  7. I am boycotting not only the olympics, but everything "Chinese" that I possibly can.  This rules out shopping at Wal-Mart, but they have about as many human rights abuses as China.

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