
Aren't crop circles real?

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How on earth can crop circles be fake if these things require a long time to do and a team of professionals to execute? Plus, if it was man made why hasn't no body caught them doing for like some weeks (if) they did the job; no foot prints or tampering or anything. I think crop circles are real but, also I think there's been hoaxes such as copycats that make the real ones look bad.

Now saying that, if crop circles were made by some intelligent beings like aliens (which I think is btw) why are these messages so hard to decipher?




  1. it doesnt take a team of professionals to execute. all you really need is a bunch of long 4x4's maybe 5 people and go around in a circle. if your looking for the hardcore designs like in the movie sign's then yes it would probably take a huge team to do so.  

  2. Lets say a couple thousand years from now we develop the technology to visit other worlds and meet intelligent life who has not yet reached the level we have. They are at an industrial peak and have recently invented aircraft and have begun to experiment with nuclear energy. How would we decide to communicate with such beings? Imprint designs onto their crops to show off our wickedly cool lasers? I doubt it. Which is why I doubt any intelligent beings with the technology to travel the stars would choose to communicate with us in such a way.  

  3. Can you please read A Skeptic's Guide to the Paranormal, by Lynne Kelly? There are "ufologists" who believe firmly that crop circles are the works of aliens. There was an instance when known hoaxers were hired to make a crop circle, and these "ufologists" deemed the circles impossible to be made by human kind. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    People want to believe SO much that they ignore the plausible, everyday things that could cause these crop circles.

    You sound like someone who was bored and decided to randomly rant....Try doing some research on the subject and you tell me what you believe then.

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