
Arent you annoyed when?

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people ask "Who is Gavina Williams" of 53 Crecenta Rd in St. Ann? Do they think Jamaica is that small, where all we need is a first and last name and theyll get responses like crazy? Jamaica isnt one big town!




  1. There are people that are well known in Jamaica. In some parishes everybody knows everybody cause people are nosey but in some parishes not everybody knows everybody. When I go to certain parts of Jamaica people say to me " Your rich and spoiled ! " It hurts. Just cause my family is wealthy dosen't mean anything. If they was working hard for there money they'd have something or be doing something but some people in Jamaica watch people too much I hate that. Do you ever realize that ? It's not only in Jamaica but I experience that alot in Jamaica cause no one is not afraid to say what's on there mind.

    And your right Jamaica isn't one big town. It's a big island. It's not that small but in certain parishes everybody knows everybody or at least the people with money, people who are doing something for the community, business owners..etc. Those are the people that are well known cause there doing something for the community.

  2. We get that all over the world.

    I am from the uk and whilst visiting Canada, a dear little old lady asked if we knew the queen well as England is only a little country!


  3. wus yet they think Trinidad is in Jamaica and "you guys all sound the same"

  4. Not annoyed! Just amused.

  5. prety funny, and yes I would find it annoying. but even here sometimes you find people that you know all over the world/

    it is really a small world

  6. These d**n people tek island people for rass fool.

    They have no idea that the people of the caribbean are so creative and cultured. Really quick put them in the wilderness with a can an no opener I bet that they will starve to death, whereas an islander would find a way to get that bad boy open.

    I am just so tired of small minded people, not being able to think outside of the box. Bob on the other page as well as Michelle C just said how dangerous Kingston was, as if it had no beautiful and safe places.

    Rass eediots

    Bob, to respond to your statement.. Firstly, I did not curse you..I said the statemnts that you made were ridiculous, and that it was a rass eediot ting fi sey.

    Most of the comments you make about Jamaica are negative and bias. In your opinion they are the truth but to the vast majority of the poeple here (on this site in the Jamaica forums) they are IGNORANT and BIAS.

    I am unsure as to why you give advice regarding Jamaica when you clearly hate the place. Furthermore WTF are you doing there if you hate it so????

    You must be a DEPORTEE, that left as a child and got sent back.

  7. Michelle S....I was just getting to like you, since you answer most questions honestly ! But to curse me for MY honest answers is unfair & childish. You say a can with no opener, you would find a way to open it, but give a man there a lawnmower to make it EASY to mow that yard & he will say " thats nice", then pick up him machette & and continue chopping. THATS foolishness....


    To answer the question: Yes, many times ppl ask if they know someone in a housing scheme or neighborhood, but even if they do, chances are they will NOT tell you the truth. Too many parinoid ppl thinking you have bad mind intention looking for someone.

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